Why Don't You Stay? (2/4) [Chuck/Cas]

Mar 03, 2010 04:40

Title: Why Don't You Stay?
Pairing: Chuck/Cas
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Words: 8,300
Summary: Chuck and Castiel have become very good friends. Eventually, the lines between 'just friends' and 'something more' become blurred.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the boys. All characters belong to respective copyrights.
Notes: So, I'm SUCH a Dean/Cas shipper, it took months for my friend to convince me that Sam/Cas slash wasn't the end of the world. So this one snuck up on me. I have never read Castiel with anyone who isn't a Winchester, and I've never written him with anyone other than Dean. So, I apologize if there seems to be a case of Jealous!Dean here. I think I may have dreamed this, because I litterally woke up with this on my mind, sat down, and it wrote itself completely. This story is my baby, I love it, and I kind of want to hug and kiss it. Title from the song 'Stay' by Sugarland, which is an unrelated song, but I listened to it about 30 times while I wrote this, so forgive me.

It was almost three in the afternoon when Castiel finally returned to them, showing up in the backseat of the Impala, effectively stopping Dean's heart.

"Jesus, Cas!" Dean yelled into the rear view mirror. Sam was laughing, though, in the passenger seat, and Castiel wasn't hurt by Dean's anger. He had become used to it by now.

"How are you, Dean?" Cas leaned forward, placing a hand on Dean's shoulder.

"Been better, Cas. Been better."

Sam reached out to turn down the music, before asking Cas the same question that he had just asked Dean.

"I am well, thank you, Sam. I am going back to Chuck's house soon."

"What?" Dean was turning to look back at him now.

"Dean! Road!" Sam was pushing at his brother's shoulder, forcing his focus back to the front.

"Cas, you literally just got back from there, didn't you?" Dean's voice was disbelieving, and Sam smirked.

"Yes, that is true, but we have made plans. And so, I will soon return to him." Castiel sat back, relaxing against the seat.

"Why the hell did you even leave if you're just going right back?" Dean was still being difficult.

"He wanted to have a shower." Castiel stated easily.

"I'm surprised you're not just having a shower with him." Dean rolled his eyes, and Sam couldn't hold in his laughter.

"Take it easy, Dean." Sam said between outbreaks of laughter.

Dean did. He sighed heavily before training his full focus back on the road, cranking the volume back up at the same time. The Winchesters weren't sure when, but sometime soon after that, Cas had disappeared from the back seat.

Castiel knew he could put himself directly in Chuck's house if he wanted to, but this was something he never did. He always waited patiently at the front door, listening for Chuck's nearing footsteps. Eventually, they came, and the door was pulled open so quickly that it sent a rush of air to rumple Castiel's coat. Now that he was alone, Cas was the one who had Dean's boisterousness. He pushed into the house, heading for the couch, smiling at Chuck the whole way.

"What are we going to do?" Cas asked, completely unsure of what the answer may be. His visits to Chuck had always included a usual earthquake of drunken Winchesters, and Castiel could go through the standard events of one of those nights while he slept. He had only ever come here once on his own, to return a book that Sam had somehow acquired in his drunken state. That visit had lasted much longer than it needed to. It only took seconds for Chuck to open the door, and Cas to hand the book over. Even so, they stood at the door for nearly an hour.

Chuck was just smiling at him now, pointing to the television. "Movies." he said plainly, as if that explained everything. Castiel understood, though, when Chuck moved around the house, closing all the curtains to block out the afternoon sunlight. Cas realized suddenly that this was the first time he had ever been inside Chuck's house without Sam and Dean. It was a nice feeling.

It didn't take long for Chuck to get his house sufficiently darkened, and put a movie on the screen.

"We're running out of things to talk about." Chuck stated as he dropped down onto the couch beside Cas. "So we're gonna watch some movies, get some culture in you!" Chuck was far too excited.

Castiel just grinned as the light from the screen illuminated their bodies. The room was warm, with the closed curtains keeping all the heat in. Castiel felt slightly uncomfortable with the heat, and loosened his tie.

It was ten at night by the time Sam called him, just asking where he was.

"I'm with Chuck."

"What? Still?"

"Yes, Sam."

"How do you guys do that? Neither of you are big talkers, yet you still spend hours a day...talking."

"Yes, Sam." Castiel really just wanted to get back to watching their third movie.

'Well are you...are you spending the night there?" The question was innocent enough, but something in the way Sam said it made Castiel feel heated.

"I'm not sure, Sam. I will call you in the morning." And that was the first time Castiel had ever hung up on a Winchester.

The night folded out far differently than any other. For the first time, there was no alcohol involved. For the first time, they didn't need to sneak off to some quiet hideout when they wanted to talk, they just could. And they did. They spoke freely, spending most of the night on the couch together. The movies eventually became forgotten as the characters were drowned out by their own conversations. Sometime, around three in the morning, Chuck had left the room briefly. When he returned, Cas noticed that he had replaced his jeans with pajama pants, and his sweater with a tshirt. Castiel smiled at this, warmed from the inside out.

Soon after that, Chuck fell asleep on the couch, curled up in the corner. Castiel stayed with him until he woke, about nine hours later. By this time, it was about noon, and Cas could already hear Dean's questions and accusations in his head. But, he couldn't avoid it. So, after sitting with Chuck through his morning coffee, he returned once more to the Winchesters.

Sam was laying on his bed, watching the television, while Dean was sitting upright, polishing a knife. Neither of them said anything when Cas showed up in the small room. The look on Sam's face made Castiel smile slightly, but one look at Dean made it quickly fade away.

The tension melted quickly, though, and soon, Castiel could almost believe that the brothers had forgotten all about Chuck. He, however, did not. He went through the motions with Sam and Dean, following them around, eating when they did, resting when they did, but his mind was nowhere near the hotel.

Chuck called as soon as the sun rose, and Castiel was by his side in minutes. Sam and Dean had barely gotten any warning.

"Don't you think it's weird?" Dean had asked, speaking his first words of the day.

"What?" Sam grumbled, rolling over in his bed.

"He's always doing that. I don't think he's gone a day without seeing Chuck in...like a month." Dean was pushing himself up, leaning on his elbow, watching as his little brother struggled to untangle himself from his blanket.

"Well, maybe it's a good thing, Dean. I mean, Chuck's a good guy, right? It's good for Cas to have other friends." Sam's voice was clearly still sleeping.

"But, what the fuck do they do? I mean, they're both masters of awkward silences. How do they even function together?" Dean's question seemed rhetorical, but Sam answered it anyway.

"Well, I don't know, Dean. Maybe it's like a language for them."

Dean didn't reply.

Part Three

rating: r, pairing: (spn) chuck/castiel

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