Recommended by The Skin Cancer Foundation [Cory/Matt]

Sep 23, 2010 04:56

Title: Recommended by The Skin Cancer Foundation
Pairing: Cory Monteith/Matt Morrison
Rating: R
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Words: 1600
Summary: A hotel room, a blanket, and a bottle of Lubriderm.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the boys. All characters belong to respective copyrights.
Notes: I seem to have lost the link to the video, but I'm sure ya'll know what I'm talking about here. If not, in short; Matt uses Lubriderm as hair gel, and questionable joking about that fact occured between himself, Cory and Lea during an interview.

By now, Cory was used to sleeping in strange places with strange people. Well okay, maybe not strange people, but weird ones, anyhow. The entire Glee cast had gotten used to it, in fact, since they'd begun sharing rooms and rides and meals and clothes and... life. He didn't really find it weird anymore to wear Mark's shirts, or drive Amber's car, or pay for Lea's parking.

Or sleep in Matt's hotel room, which he was trying to do right now.

"Dude, why?" Cory was laying on Matt's bed, flicking through the channels on the TV.

"What?" Matt's voice called out from the bathroom, where he'd been getting ready for bed for a time that was, like, stupidly long. "Why what?"

"Vaseline?" Cory raised an eyebrow at the half-open door.

"Lubriderm!" Matt laughed as he pulled the door open, flicking off the light before crossing over to the bed.

"In... your hair." Cory smirked incredulously, determined to let Matt know that he was going to be teased about this for the rest of his damn life.

"What? It works!" Matt sunk down against the pillows, closing his eyes as he sighed loudly. Cory held back the old man jokes. He was laying on the bed next to Matt, feeling almost disturbingly comfortable. Matt was just sort of easy to be around. Cory wondered if he was falling asleep, wondered what he was thinking about, wondered...

Well, he kinda wondered what his hair felt like.

"Matt?" Cory kept his voice low, not wanting to wake his friend if he was sleeping.

"Hmm?" He wasn't.

Cory hadn't exactly planned on what to say, knowing what he wanted to ask, but not knowing exactly how to ask it. His hands moved before his brain did.

"What are you doing?" Matt didn't open his eyes as Cory's fingers ran through his hair.

"Uh..." I'm touching you hair, obviously. I'm flirting with you, obviously. Cory couldn't say that. Obviously. Instead, he just tangled his fingers through Matt's hair, given the confidence to continue when Matt leaned into the touch, moaning softly.

It was awkward... because it wasn't. Cory wanted it to be, and it should have been, but it just... it was kind of...

"Feels good," Matt admitted after a moment, breaking the silence that had wrapped itself around them, as the TV flickered silently at the foot of the bed. It'd been a long day, a tedious trip, a nonstop hell of planes and limos and taxis, followed by interviews and photoshoots, and that thing they had to do at the radio station. Cory was tired, a feeling that had sunken into his bones and through his skin. His limbs ached, a combination of constant standing and posing, mixed with the repetitive motions of dressing, re-dressing, and dressing again, as flashbulbs went off around him. It was nice, now, to be in bed, warm and comfortable. It was nice to have his shoulder pressed into a pillow, and his hips covered loosely by a blanket. And now, slowly but surely, he was realizing that it was nice to have his hand in Matt's hair.

"Mmm," Cory hummed noncommittally, not wanting to ignore Matt's confession, but what could he say, really? "Your hair is so soft", "I could do this all night", "Stop moaning, man, you're turning me on!"

Matt shifted on the bed suddenly, a move that was slow, but unexpected. Cory's hand stilled as he moved, watching as Matt rolled over the bed, across the bed, pressing his back against Cory's chest.

Now, the Glee cast had all become almost questionably close over the last year or so. There'd been flirting and dating, and a dozen unbreakable friendships. There'd been hookups and shutdowns, and that one thing Naya did with Heather that no one really talked about. But, even through all of that, all of the behavior that had somehow become expected of them, this? This was not normal.

It wasn't completely unheard of for the guys to mess around sometimes, putting hands in places where hands shouldn't go, just to get reactions, just to have some fun. It never actually went anywhere, and generally stopped as soon as they got the laughter or disgust they were looking for. And so this... this private moment, in a locked and bolted hotel room on the twenty-seventh floor of the Sheraton, while all the girls were two floors above? It was... it... this just didn't happen.

"Matt?" Cory questioned softly, feeling Matt press harder against him, a sure sign that he had no intentions of moving away. Cory closed his eyes for a moment as he realized that he didn't want Matt to move away. He'd never had a moment like this with him, not ever before, not in a way that was playful or serious. Matt didn't do this. Not once, not ever. He'd always sit and watch in amusement or horror as Chris would sit himself in Mark's lap, a position they tried to make look absolutely casual. Within seconds, everyone would be laughing, and that's just how it went. That was always how it went.

"Finn," Matt sighed back, confusing Cory into a deathly sort of silence.

"What?" He shook his head slightly, softly, as he felt his face knit with frustration. He was getting, like, really fucking confused.

"You remember that one time..." Matt started, voice soft and low and almost muffled, "when that reporter asked us what we thought about the relationship between Will and Finn?" The question came out slowly, each word taking it's time as it filled the silence with an awkward conversation that was hiding under a disguise of being casual and simple. "And then Lea made that joke about them being lovers?"

Cory grinned finally, huffing in amusement as he thought back to that day. "Well, yeah," he shrugged, as Matt's hand found it's way to his, pulling at it slowly, moving it along his waist.

"I think about that sometimes," Matt confessed, a simple statement that was full of too many undertones and implications to count.

Cory swallowed hard as Matt pulled at his hand, wrapping his arm around his waist. They were still pressed flush against each other, and Cory had no idea what the fuck was going on anymore, but it felt good, and Matt's body was so sinfully warm.

"Uh," Cory stuttered for a moment, as he felt his hand be pressed flat against Matt's stomach. "Wha-- what do you... think about?" He asked, not knowing if it was a risky flirtation, or a legitimate question. He took pride in the fact that he wasn't actually as dumb as Finn Hudson. But this night, this moment, this conversation? It had him going all sorts of crazy.

Matt moaned low in throat, holding off on any sort of answer for a time that was too long, and too tense. Cory felt his heart rate pick up, as his blood ran hot through his veins.

Matt turned finally, rolling in Cory's arms, to face him head on for the first time in an hour.

"You really wanna know what I think about?" He asked darkly, lips brushing against Cory's cheek as he said the words.

A nod was the best reply Cory could manage, as he became aware that his eyes were doing an impeccable impression of Miss Pillsbury.

His stomach flipped uncomfortable as he felt Matt's hand slip down between them, pressing down along his stomach, before brushing against his thigh. He stayed tense, physically and emotionally, as he watched Matt lick his lips.

"You know... that desk? In Schue's office?" Matt asked softly, words barely more than a whisper, but echoing in Cory's mind nonetheless.

Cory's breath hitched as Matt's hand slipped sideways, brushing against him for a moment before settling back down on his other leg.

"I think about..." Matt started to explain, stopping as Cory unconsciously shifted his hips into Matt's hand. "I wanna..." Matt continued, eyes going dark and lustful, and Cory finally had no more doubts about exactly what kind of situation they'd just gotten themselves into.

"I want it," Cory admitted suddenly, words tumbling out fast and loud and so unexpectedly. He swallowed hard as Matt smirked wickedly, finally bringing his hand to press exactly where Cory wanted it to be. "I... I want to," Cory pleaded again, desperate now, as he realized exactly how much he wanted it. He'd thought about it. He'd known that he'd desired it, somewhere off in the far corner of his mind, a need that only surfaced when he'd jerk off in the shower. But now, he had Matt's hand working it's way down the front of his boxers, and his lips pressing kisses along the scruff of his jaw. And he smiled sheepishly as he bit at his lip, pulling Matt on top of him as he shifted onto his back.

"Well, uh..." Cory laughed softly, feeling it get cut off entirely as his breath hitched over the feeling of Matt sucking at his neck. "I guess it's..." Cory arched up into Matt, as he let his hands run up his back, rucking up his t-shirt as he did. "It's a real good thing that you, uh..." Cory trailed off as he felt himself blush deeply, before Matt stopped to look up at his face.

"Yeah, I know," he started, voice cracked and shaken as he glanced toward the bathroom. "It's a damn good thing I brought Lubriderm."


rating: r, pairing: (gleerps) monteith/morrison, fandom: glee

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