A Dark And Stormy Night [Dean/Cas]

Feb 28, 2010 03:17

Title: A Dark And Stormy Night
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Words: 2,200
Summary:Part of my Dean/Cas Firsts series (unconnected). The Impala breaks down, leaving Dean and Castiel to some alone time in the middle of a storm.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the boys. All characters belong to respective copyrights.
Notes: This was written quickly, and was MEANT to be a fill for a prompt that was SUPPOSED to be Wincest, but ended up being this, so, needless to say, I failed that prompt!

The sun was setting in the sky, soaking the clouds in a deep purple haze. The air was warm and wet, covering the grass with light condensation. Miles of straight road stretched out in either direction of the Impala, without a single house or gas station to break up the trees that lined the sides of the pavement. Dean had always loved driving into the dusk, and he would have been doing just that, if the Impala hadn't just broken down.

"It figures." Dean grumbled as he got out of the driver's seat, slamming the door behind him just a little too hard. Castiel kept his place in the passenger seat, watching with wide eyes as Dean lifted the hood. Smoke enveloped him, and Cas became worried.

Dean jumped, hitting his head off the hood, when the angel appeared beside him.

"Jesus, Cas!" His words were bitten with anger. Castiel forced out an apology, although he was unsure that his appearance beside the eldest Winchester warranted that kind of anger.

"It's fine. I'm sorry. I'm just mad at the car, not you, okay?" Dean made sure to look Cas directly in the eye when he put out his own apology with a softened voice. Cas nodded, watching as dean pulled off his jacket, throwing it onto the hood of the car. Next to be removed was the button down shirt he wore open over his black tshirt. Castiel was about to ask why he was taking his clothes off, when he got his answer. Dean wound the button down around his hand, forming a barrier, so he could pull and pry at the steaming mechanics of the car. The shirt was instantly covered in oil and grease. Dean was letting out sounds of frustration, and Cas was afraid he was becoming angry again.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked tentatively, making sure to keep his voice down.

Dean straightened up, looking defeated. "I don't think so, Cas." A moment of silence passed before Dean bent down and continued going through the motions of things Castiel did not understand. He watched with interest, though, as Dean's skin slowly became marked up by smudges of heavy black grease. The night was becoming hotter, humidity thickening the air, and Castiel loosened his tie as he leaned against the car.

The sky was a deeper shade of purple now, closer to the inevitable blackness that would soon follow. Neither man spoke for what felt like hours. Dean glanced at his watch and was startled to find that it had only been minutes, twenty three, to be exact.

"Well," Dean broke the silence now, unwrapping the shirt from his hand, letting it fall to the ground, "I don't think this is something I can fix. Not in this light, anyway." He lifted his hand to the sky, in reference to the thick blackness that was settling over them now.

Castiel was unsure of what to say. "So then...you must call for help." His statement came out sounding like more of a question. Dean nodded, though, and pulled his cell phone out from his pocket.

Cas watched as the screen spread a bluish light over Dean's face, making it impossible to turn away from him.

"Hey, Bobby...." Dean's voice was low, as if he was afraid of waking the trees, "Me and Cas, we...uh...we got a bit of a problem."

Castiel moved closer to Dean, hearing Bobby's voice faintly over the warm wind. Dean looked upset, and Cas decided to ask about the reason as soon as he got off the phone. The conversation was short, and didn't end with any goodbyes, just a simple "okay" on Dean's end, and the line was cut.

Dean sighed, flipping the phone shut as he walked back over to the Impala, slamming the hood down before leaning on it heavily. Castiel followed, mirroring Dean's pose against the car.

"Dean," Cas turned to face his friend, "Why are you so upset?" His eyes were filled with curiosity and wonder, and Dean couldn't ignore it. He looked away, turning his face down to the ground as he kicked at a pebble.

"I just hate having to depend on other people to get me through my own fuck ups." He said heavily, frustration obvious in his tone.

"It isn't your fault that this happened, Dean. I'm under the impression that this sort of thing occurs all the time. To everyone." His attempts to make Dean feel better were wasted.

"But you just don't get it. You don't know how it feels to have to rely on someone else to be your saviour. It sucks, Cas." Dean's eyebrows were low on his face, and his eyes were dark with frustration.

"I do know, Dean. I know how it feels." Cas stated softly, placing his hand on Dean's shoulder, letting his fingers feel the warm, damp fabric of Dean's black tshirt. When he got no response, Castiel continued speaking. "I have to depend on you and Sam for almost everything. I constantly need you to explain things to me, show me how things work, because I can't do it on my own. But I'm not upset about it. I'm thankful to have you."

Dean looked up from the ground now, turning his face toward Cas. His eyes were full of expression, but what it was, Cas wasn't sure. He waited for Dean to say something, but the words never came. All that was put out between them was a long and studious gaze.

"When I think about it, everything I know now is because of you. Everything that I understand is because of you. I understand some devices and weapons. Also, emotions. I understand your humor and sarcasm, and now I know how to feel love." Castiel didn't think much of his words until he heard them out loud. Dean didn't miss the implication, either.

"Love, Cas?" Dean asked now, with a slight smile on his face. It didn't reach his eyes, though. Cas looked away, turning his face up to the stars, noticing for the first time that the temperature had dropped a little.

"I did not mean that, Dean." Cas tried, unable to convince even himself. The sky suddenly cracked with light, a loud boom of thunder punctuating Castiel's denial.

Cas watched as the first drops of rain smeared the grease on Dean's skin, making an even bigger mess before washing it away completely. The silence hung heavy, but neither man tried to fill it. The rain came down harder, and Dean considered getting into the car. He changed his mind, though, when he realized that they were both already soaked, and there was no point in getting the car equally wet.

"Cas?" Dean broke the silence, having to raise his voice over the turbulent weather. Castiel didn't say anything, only looked over at Dean's face.

"It's okay, I get it." He offered, letting his hand rest against the angel's leg.

"You really do?" Castiel asked, unsure of himself, unsure of Dean's words.

"You love me. Just like you love Sam, right? You care for us because we take care of you. That's what you meant." Dean nodded to himself, as if to prove a point. Cas felt the rain soaking through his clothes, chilling his skin. He couldn't remember making any concious decision to move closer to Dean, but he did so anyway. He slid himself across the hood, just an inch or two, causing his body to line up with Dean's all the way from the shoulder to ankle. Dean stiffened, but did not move away. He felt Cas shivering slightly against him, and asked him if he wanted to get into the car. Castiel declined, wanting to stay out in the darkness of the night. He was enjoying the rain, despite the chill of it.

Dean wasn't bothered by the sudden temperature drop. It was a nice change, compared to the sticky heat of the rest of the day. He considered letting Cas wear his jacket, until he realized that by now, dropping it into the ocean couldn't get it any wetter. So instead, he lifted his arm and wrapped it around the angel's shoulders, pulling him closer. The trembling stopped almost immediately. A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the road ahead of them. Dean looked at Castiel, and for the first time, noticed a deep blush across his cheeks. Dean was suddenly thankful for the darkness, because he was quite sure that his face would look the same way.

"So, uh, Bobby is coming to pick us up and see what he can do about the car." Dean said, not having to raise his voice anymore, now that he and Cas were so close. He figured that Castiel had probably assumed that, but he couldn't think of anything else to say, and he really wanted to crush the silence.

"That's very considerate of him." Cas said absently, clearly focusing his thoughts on something else. As Dean watched the way Castiel was toying with the end of his tie, he got a suspicion that he knew what that something else was.

"You meant it, didn't you?" He asked softly, barely more than a whisper. His eyes were focused on Castiel's face, watching a drop of rain slide down his cheek. Castiel didn't look up. Instead, he began wrapping his tie around his fingers, furiously tight, squeezing water out of it as he did. Dean thought for a moment, unsure of what to say. So he substituted words for actions, and pulled Cas closer, crushing their bodies together, eliminating every last bit of space between them.

Dean hoped that Cas would say something now, because his mind was drawing a blank. He had imagined so many times a moment like this. He had thought out hundreds of scenarios in his head, planned out conversations, but yet...now, his mind was empty. All that existed to him was the feel of Castiel's body pressed against his, the sound of his breath, the beat of his heart, and Dean wasn't sure that he liked it. The longer Cas took to say or do anything, the more time Dean had to think that this was wrong. He considered moving away and getting into the car. They could end this now without any bad consequences. They hadn't done too much out of the ordinary. But Dean's insecurities were silenced when Cas finally untangled his fingers from his tie, moving them over to rest on Dean's thigh. It was a small, slow movement, but it was so much more to Dean.

The sky lit up again, shining in Castiel's eyes, and Dean swallowed hard. He couldn't remember being more nervous about something like this in a long long time. He wanted more than anything to just push away, break the silence, break the tension, and get into his bed. But he knew that this was his chance, and he couldn't let it pass him by. So, he moved his free hand across his own lap, letting it rest on top of Castiel's trembling fingers. He squeezed lightly, closing his fingers around Castiel's palm. And Dean knew now, that there was no backing out after that. This had become something. And when Cas closed his own hand, squeezing Dean's fingers, Dean knew that it was something Cas wanted. And that was permission enough.

Cas didn't protest when Dean moved their faces together, pressing their lips against each other in a chaste kiss. Dean's heart throbbed wickedly in his chest as the satisfaction hit him all at once. He had waited and wanted so long. Castiel was gripping tightly at Dean's hand now, keeping hold of him, as if he was afraid that the storm would take him away. The kiss was light and easy, teasing and testing, and Dean was surprised to find that he didn't mind. He had never been a fan of 'taking it slow', but this was different. This was perfect. Cas, on the other hand, was losing himself completely. He freed his hand from Dean's grip, raising it up to the hunter's face, letting his fingers feel the rough stubble on his chin. Dean sighed quietly at the sensation, wishing it could last forever.

He was moving his own hand now, bringing it up to Castiel's neck, slipping his fingers under the loosened collar of his white shirt. The fabric was wet and cold, but the skin underneath was feverishly heated. Castiel was kissing with more force now, pulling Dean's face closer, desperate for his first taste of Dean's tongue. When he got it, he couldn't contain the moan that started somewhere low in his chest. The cracking thunder almost muted the sound completely. Almost, but not quite. Dean heard it faintly, and smiled against Castiel's lips.

The road lit up again, shedding light onto their faces. It took them longer than it should have to realize that the light had stayed for far too long. Dean looked away from Cas, and felt his face flush as he realized that the light was coming from in front of them, not above. And in front of that light, stood two very familiar figures, arms crossed over their chests.

Sam's face was twisted in amusement, and Bobby's was just...twisted. Castiel blushed, turning his face to hide against Dean's shoulder.

"So...you boys need a lift, or what?"


My Other Dean/Cas Firsts

A Hot And Steamy Dream
A Warm And Cozy Bed

rating: pg13, pairing: (spn) dean/castiel

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