
Jan 23, 2009 19:00

Un. I have a job. :O I know, shock horror. I'm a Maths and English tutor. My first "students" are these two little boys who go to my sister's school. Their mother heard about me from somewhere, and contacted my mother, and the next thing I knew, I was over at their house, assessing their spelling and division skills whilst sipping shockingly bad tea. The pay per hour is alright, but I'm not working that many hours, so I'm not getting much. I figure anything's an improvement on nothing, though. It's a pretty challenging job - I'm already insanely busy with lesson prep and making homework sheets and exercises - not to mention the fact that nouns and fractions are so far in my past. But I'd rather be doing this than the mindless (but better-paid) shit that my friends are doing. At least tutoring makes me feel like I'm doing something useful. Let's just hope I can survive it, hey?

Deux. I had a lovely evening yesterday with my good friend, Joy. We've only known each other for about three years, but we became ridiculously close during that time - it's incredible what the IB does for your social life (ironic, perhaps). Catching up with her was great - we talked about anything and everything, from my own weird social anxieties to her brother's wish to join the army and whether or not cover versions of songs are really necessary. It was like old times, when we'd stay back at school until it got dark, talking circles around each other and drowning in coffee, just for the sake of hanging out and avoiding homework. Ha - she said that her boyfriend wants to set me up with a friend of his, some Italian guy named Lorenzo whom Joy labels a "sexual deviant". Apparently they've been describing me to him and he likes what he hears, LOL. He's already dated the most beautiful girl in my school, and, well, Joy's boyfriend is 31 years old, so I don't know how old this Lorenzo character will be. I am thus disinclined to acquiesce to their request, but it's amusing all the same.

Trois. I went to see the film The Wrestler, which wasn't fantastic, but I just absolutely loved the character of Randy, played to perfection by Mickey Rourke. He's so tough yet vulnerable, no-nonsense yet compassionate, serious yet good-humoured. It was great to watch an hour and a half of that character - a fact which surprises me more than it does anyone. While I didn't exactly find the wrestling scenes riveting, and I thought that the female characters were annoyingly under-developed, it was worth it to watch Randy charming the old ladies at the deli counter of his local supermarché. Yes, this is a film recommendation.

Quatre. My friend Gen is returning from overseas tomorrow! I'm greatly looking forward to it, because she is the most impossibly wonderful person, and I have missed her terribly. We have so many films to watch, DVDs to get, places to go, and things to organise for our Spain trip, so I'm really glad that she's coming back. She lives down the road from me, which is a god-send, considering I'm locked up at home these days taking care of my little sister. In a few days, my friend Alex T. will be back from the Philippines, too, so it'll be great to have them crashing at my house every day as they did last year.

Cinq. I got a new phone! My old one, while faithful and compact, was remarkably unreliable (it liked to hide messages from me) and the battery ran out at the most inconvenient of times. My new phone is the Samsung Omnia. It's terribly complicated, and far too fancy for someone like me (I have sent approximately twenty texts without meaning to - and I've only had the phone for a few days!), but it has GPS (which is basically a necessity when you have my sense of direction - or lack thereof), rad organisation features and is just generally very pretty. :)

Also! Have made epic progress on two fics. Have recommenced French study after a long drought, and realise why I loved it in the first place. Have encountered some lovely people in the past few days who seem to be sweating compliments. Looks like I will be going back to India in October, which is so damn exciting. Have discovered the wonders of sugarless coffee and milky tea. Have not smoked or drunk in two weeks. The Australian Open is on - it is therefore officially the best time of year. Have nearly finished work on my best friend's Christmas present, and she's working on hers (our present exchanges are so unbelievably fun). My mother has decided to stop buying shit from the TV shopping network. Have reunited with a very cool old friend from primary school. Received my 2007 high school yearbook and drowned in the happy memories (despite cringing at the many appearances of my own hideous face spread throughout). My mother did her first day of home-based work in two months, and we watched romantic comedies all day long. Spend my days teaching, writing, reading, listening to music, and watching wonderful, wonderful crap. Have been remembering my dreams (although they're very literal). Have enjoyed some gorgeous walks in this Australian heat. Am insanely happy, and still have so much to look forward to. :)

ALSO! For deathinacave: (Click to make them bigger!)

There are others over here, including a hilarious one of Drogba, and Cesc being adorably dorktacular. Thanks to delirium_86 at ontd_football for the link.

joe cole, la vida es un ratico

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