Gacked from
metallumai, the movie meme. I don't go to the movies much these days
1. Number of films owned on dvd & video. About 40. It used to be a lot more, but I wasn't watching them any more, so I gave them to the library. Or maybe I shouldn't include all the TNG and DS9 videos I had.
2. Last film I bought. I was going to say that's easy - ROTK, but of course I was given that as a prezzie. The last one I bought was Master and Commander, and although Paul Bettany is far too tall and good looking to play Maturin, he does give him deliciously tortured expressions.
3. Last film I saw in a cinema. Er..... I can't remember. I was going to go and see Finding Neverland but never got round to it. It surely can't have been POA? It was obviously extremly memorable whatever it was.
4. Five films that I watch a lot or which mean a lot to me. Hmmm.
Gladiator - because of teh pretteh
The Lord of the Rings - yes all three
Singing in the Rain - used to watch it every Christmas on the telly when I was a kid
The Life of Brian - for the sheer subversiveness, and the Judean People's Front
Star Wars - I'll never forget going to see that when it first came out. It blew me away.
Now passing this on to
redsharlach and
scieppan Pass it on the five people on your flists.
Oh and yeah, I voted.