Mortality is never far away

Jan 31, 2005 17:51

Salutory sight this morning driving to work. The road I drive on has a bad reputation - it has a lot of commuter traffic on it, but is full of twists and bends with few safe places to over take. Like any road, those who are familiar with it, feel safe driving much faster than those who don't. All it takes is one driver to be going at significantly less than everyone else's speed and queues fifty cars long can quickly build up. People get frustrated, overtake when they shouldn't. Accidents happen.

Like this morning.

I don't know what happened; it must have occurred at least an hour before I got there. It was, inevitably at one end of one of the two long straight stretches. One car was in the middle of the road., scratched and a little bit dented, but otherwise OK. The other car was on the other side of the road, on its roof, the side all stoved in, and crumpled up like aluminium foil. We had to wait while the police finished measuring distances. That means somebody died., and it probably wasn't the person who took the risk in the first place..Bummer.

daily life

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