Nov 03, 2009 12:08
By popular demand here is the pumpkin and parsnip cassoulet recipe I mentioned yesterday, or at least my adaptation of it.
This is what I put in it.
1 medium onion, chopped
1 clove of garlic
1 large parsnip chopped into small chunks
2 large carrots, likewise
1/4 of a small pumpkin ditto
tin of tomatoes
2 venison sausages, sliced into half inch chunks
EV olive oil
dried mixed herbs
About half a pint of veg stock
First of all I sauteed the onion and garlic in the olive oil for a few minutes, then added the sausages and the pumpkin. After a further 5-10 mins I added the parsnip and carrots followed by the tomatoes, veg stock and herbs. Then I bunged it in the oven for about an hour, at about 150 degrees C(fan). It was perfect when I took it out, but if it was a bit runny I would add a couple of dollops of tomato puree.
I served it with stir fried cabbage and crusty bread.
1/2 a small savoy cabbage, shredded
1 small onion
1 clove of garlic
spray of olive oil
Spray the bottom of a lidded sautee pan with the oil, add the onions and garlic and leave for a couple of minutes with the lid on. Add the cabbage, giving it a good stir and put the lid back on. The steam from the cabbage should be enough to cook it, but if necessary add a tablespoon of water. Takes a couple of minutes to cook.