Oct 22, 2009 01:05

 So I went to the AFI show on Monday with Alex., Fathead, Casey Terrell and Sarah Casey.  Okay so I'm just going to be brutally honest and hope that Alex doesn't break up with me! AFI is Alex's favorite band in the entire world; Fathead and Casey Terrell are also pretty big fans. So when Alex found out they were coming to the National he immediately bought tickets. And I was happy that I was getting to see them with him. I liked AFI starting when their Sing the Sorrow cd came out, but I was a little bit nervous about going because AFI fans are really hardcore sometimes and its almost as though you're not even allowed to consider yourself a fan unless you know all their older stuff and have liked them forever and know everything about them, etc. I was really worried that I wasn't going to know a lot of the songs because they usually play a lot of older songs. Plus they just had a cd come out three weeks ago and I haven't really listened to it a lot other than when I am in Alex's truck. I was also worried that I was going to hate pretty much every kid that was there. I was also super worried that I was not going to like the band [I'm sorry, babe!], I was expecting Davey Havok to be Mr. Serious, all about the music, not very personable ... and also to be king of goth. Basically, I was expecting this:

 But I was still excited to go and be there with Alex. I still liked their music but I probably would not have gone if it weren't for him. So we hang out all day and get mentally prepared for this epic show that is about to happen; and I mean that in all seriousness, even with my expectations I was imagining this show to be really intense. We're waiting for them to come on and the crowd starts chanting. I'm immediately alarmed because chanting just doesn't seem normal to me-unless it's like "we want [insert band here]" or something. So the night is starting out exactly how I thought; weird kids saying weird things that I didn't understand.

Then they come on and everyone is going insane! Like, kids are just as devoted to Davey Havok as they are to Connor Oberst or Radiohead or bands like that. Their first song was Torch Song and it was awesome! I kid you not. That song has been my favorite song to have in my head since that moment. They were nothing AT ALL what I had expected. They had so much energy, it was incredible. And so involved with the crowd; both in song and in conversation. Plus, they were funny! And they looked like this:
I can handle this. This is a great look! Davey Havok came out resembling Elvis; a gold, flashy suit and his hair up like it is in the picture. And when he took the jacket off he had a tight-ish black shirt with a single gold row across his chest. I loved the outfit. And his hair was awesome, and his tattoos were showing, and he was a little unshaven-I may have slightly attracted to him in the moment. The entire show was so good. AND I knew almost every single song they played, I was so pumped! Shows are always so much better when you can sing a long. They also had a really neat light show. There were purple streaks, and multi-colored, multi-size circles that were overlapping each other and looked so cool on the ceiling, and the wash for the lights that invited the crowd to sing was actually gold! So it looked cool and it wasn't blinding!

I have completely changed my opinion of AFI shows and am so happy that I went. Definitely a good experience! Thanks Al Rowl!
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