FF: Moving On (5/?)

Aug 09, 2007 22:34

This fic is getting awkward to write.  To describe it, it's kind of like that moment when you come out to someone and there's silence and you are waiting for them to say something.  Right now I'm waiting for my fic to yell, "STOP!!!!"  But it hasn't, so I shall go blundering on :P  This chap is a nightmare and a half; so if it sucks, not my fault.  This one also shows the relationship between Serena and Casey and lets everyone see a nice soft side to Serena Southerlyn, who my own mother thinks was a cold-hearted bitch.  (I cried quietly when she said that before jumping to Serena's defense)  Thought this would play the missing soldiers thing up nicely.

Oh, and I should've done this in chapter 4, but I just want to dedicate these chaps involving Serena's fears for her gf and the fact she's missing in Iraq to all the partners/spouses/significant others who have to deal with these fears everyday.  I have a cousin serving in Iraq currently and cannot even begin to imagine what his wife must go through every day when she sees things like: 5 more soldiers killed today on the internet or television.  It must be hell and I wish for the safe return of all our soldiers

folkrockerrgrrrl, thanks for all the comments you are amazing!  And now, on with the ficcy goodness!!

Title: Moving On
Rating: Varies, M chaps are labelled as such
Pairing: C/O, some OFC/Serena Southerlyn
Disclaimer: you all know the drill I don't own them.
Feedback: Of Course!!

Chapter 5

Sunlight streamed into Detective Olivia Benson’s window, landing on two bodies entangled underneath the sheets. When Olivia awoke, Casey’s perfect features were lit by the sun’s rays, causing Liv to think how angelic she looked at that particular moment in time. “How did I get so lucky?” She asked no one in particular, “This is almost too good to be true; I mean, I’m holding the woman of my dreams in my arms, we’ve made passionate love quite a few times now…My life’s never been this good before.”
“Well I plan on keeping it this good,” Casey smiled as she leaned over to kiss Liv, before uncertainly adding, “that is, if you want me.”
“I’ve never wanted anything more,” Liv rolled on top of Casey and began to kiss her way down Casey’s body.
“Oh God Liv…Baby don’t stop I need you so bad…*gasp*”
Liv pulled away, “What was that Case? I missed that last part.” Liv grinned as Casey threw a pillow at her.
“Fuck you Liv.”
“I’d rather you did that, beautiful.” Liv resumed her ministrations as Casey glared at her before she was reduced once again to just moans and gasps.

Casey went to work the next day in a very good mood. Serena noticed this, and as best friends are prone to do, asked, “So how was your weekend with Liv?”
Casey grinned, a smile that Serena hadn’t seen on her best friend’s face in a very long time, “It was amazing Serena! I’ve wanted this for so long, and she just made her move. It was so much better than I had imagined.”
“I’m happy for you, Case. I really am,” Serena hugged her friend before continuing, “Alex’s mom called me.”
Casey’s grin disappeared as she prepared to comfort her friend, “Did the military find something?”
“They found one of the men who was supposed to be in the plane. His leg was broken; they assume it was from the crash. He’d been shot.” Serena’s voice had lowered drastically, and she held back the sudden urge to cry.
“Oh, Serena,” Casey held her friend close to her, “she could still be alive; don’t give up hope.”
“I’m not. It’s just that he was shot by an American soldier; they matched the bullet to one of the others guns that they have on file, which means that they killed him.” Serena looked at Casey before continuing, “The military found him 30 miles from the crash site. It looks like they made it out alive but he must have been keeping them down, could have been starving to death so they killed him to live. I just…God Casey, I just wish I knew if she was even alive; I just want her here right now.”
“I know sweetheart, I know.” Casey hugged Serena tightly before letting go, “she’ll come home to you. She said she would, and she will.”

rating: nc-17 & m, author: katie_drake, title: moving on

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