The Friday Five and Daily Questions

Jun 16, 2024 18:37

1. What is the oldest object you own?

A photo of my dad when he was a child.

2. What object have you owned the longest?

My calico cat doorstop which still has a scent!

3. What is the newest object you own?

This beautiful pot of succulents that I bought today! :)

4. Who is your oldest living relative?

My sister.

5. Who is your youngest living relative?

My niece.

14. World Blood Donor Day - have you ever donated blood? In your country do you get paid for donating?

I’ve never donated blood. There isn’t payment for blood donation, but you can get paid for donating plasma.

15. In the UK it's National Beer Day. Do you enjoy a beer every now and again? What's your favourite brand/type?

I don’t drink and never have, except for an occasion sip now and then when I was younger. The only beer I liked was Dos Equis from Mexico.

16. It's National Fudge Day - you can buy fudge in many, many different flavours - what's your favourite if you have one?

When I used to eat it, I liked plain fudge.

question a day meme 2024, the friday five

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