Sam Daily - Sam in every ep

Sep 24, 2021 20:02

Hookman - ep 1.07

The boys are still looking for clues about their dad, but Dean wants to check out a case, so they go to Ankeny, Iowa. They find out that the witness (Lori, whose boyfriend was murdered) said the attacker was invisible. They attend a service for the boyfriend, given by Rev Sorenson, Lori’s father. He talks about the tragedy of the loss of a young person (which makes me think of Jessica, who wasn’t that much older). At the end, everyone bows their head in prayer, except Dean. Sam nudges him, and then Dean bows his head.

edit by me

Afterwards, Lori talks to one of her friends, Taylor, who invites her over on Sunday night to “do Tequila shots and watch Reality Bites.” When Lori hesitates, Taylor says “I know this has been hard, but you're allowed to have fun." This reminds me of what Dean said to Sam in Dead in the Water “You know Sam, we are allowed to have fun once in awhile.”

Then the boys meet Lori, and say they heard what happened, and how sorry they were. Then Sam says this...

I kind of know what you’re going through. I-I saw someone..get hurt once. It’s something you don’t forget.

Which is similar to what Dean said in Dead in the Water...

Watching one of your parents die isn't something you just get over.

Putting clues together, the boys realize it’s the Hookman.

Later on, when they search for the Hookman, they hear noises and Sam aims his rock salt rifle. But it isn't the Hookman, it's a Sheriff! Dean manages to talk him down to a fine, saying that Sam was a “dumb ass pledge” who was being hazed, LOL.

Lori wakes up the next day and sees that her roommate Taylor has been murdered. Later on, when Sam and Dean sneak into the room to investigate, we see them drop head first through the window, and hear Dean falling on top of Sam. Dean apologizes, but Sam tells him to be quiet. Followed by “you be quiet” “you be quiet”, LOL.

Sam hangs outside, watching Lori’s house. Lori joins him, wants to know what’s going on. Sam explains that he’s worried about her. She says that he’s sweet, but should stay far away. Because it’s like she’s "cursed or something, people around me keep dying.” Sam says he can relate. He'll say a similar thing to Sarah in ep 1.19.

When Lori kisses him, he pulls away. It’s too soon after Jessica.

Lori says that her father is seeing a married woman, and because of that has no right to talk to her about morality. Because he taught her that if you do something wrong, you will get punished. Right after she says this, the Hookman appears and attacks her father. Sam rushes in and saves him!

It ends up that the Hookman had latched onto Lori through her necklace, punishing those who had done something "wrong" (her boyfriend, Taylor, her father), and in the end, tried to do the same to Lori. Sam and Lori are attacked, Dean burns the necklace, and that’s the end of the Hookman!

Sam says goodbye to Lori, as she thanks him for saving her life, and her father’s too. Sam goes back to the car, and Dean asks if he wants to stay (for Lori). Sam shakes his head, and they drive away. Which makes sense, because even though Sam and Lori had some things in common, they weren’t going to have a relationship, and he’d only end up leaving anyway.

I’ll be asking questions with each ep. I’d love to hear your answers. And also, anything else you'd like to say about the ep. :)

SPN questions for Hookman

1. Favorite Sam moment/scene
2. Favorite brother scene

1. Sam looks so beautiful in the prayer moment when he bows his head. I also really like when he tells Lori that he knows what she's going through, because he saw someone (Jessica) get "hurt" and it's something he won't forget.

2. My favorite brother scene is the window moment...them diving in, boys arguing about being quiet, LOL. It always makes laugh, no matter how many times I see it!

107, supernatural, sam daily, sam in every ep

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