May 24, 2012 08:36
You can't pull shit like this now.
Not now that I've grown ok being alone, now that I'm starting something new.
You can't call me crying, tell me it was all a huge mistake.
It's Too. Fucking. Late.
You made your bed, you have to lie in it.
This has been a problem with you the whole time I've known you.
It's reflected in everything you do.
You just won't take responsibility for the decisions you make.
Everything always has to be someone else's fault.
You can't even see it when I spell it out for you.
Every reason you tried to give me why you're broke now and can't pay me the money you owe?
Your. Fucking. Fault.
You don't go out to Ybor every weekend drinking for 3 months and not spend stupid amounts of money.
You've gone to see Avengers FIVE times. You went to Phantom, you bought Diablo 3.
You did Levique instead of finding a job. You spent $250 on that new shiny phone.
You need to grow the fuck up and take responsibility.
The world is not going to coddle you like your parents did. When you fuck up, it will come down on you hard.
Grow from it. Learn from it. Stop blaming the world, blaming everything else.
I love you. That will never change. But we're over. That was YOUR decision. I made the effort, I did the work.
You didn't.
I can't be responsible for your happiness anymore.