(no subject)

Nov 10, 2005 17:46

shits gotten fucked up. and i have this feeling like im at the root of it all, whether or not i actually i am, that just how i feel. I feel like im comming off as a jerk adn a total asshole to people, im sorry ive just been irritated by certain people. and most of the time, its people that ive allways loved and still do love, its just theres things that have never struck me beofre that now, all of a sudden are tearing me apart. i feel like i find the most comfort in the friends that im not best friends with and the ones who i never see outside of school. There is going to be some sort of huge change or somethign like that happening soon, and probably before christmas, and i have a feeling that some people will come out on top, and some wont. but there will be no middle ground, no shades of grey just black and white. Unless we start to become better friends with everyone and take breaks frmo the ones that we need to, and maybe it will all be shades of grey with no black and white, i dont know whcih i would prefer. I feel like such a douche bag, i feel like im being unnecessarily unkind to people who i shouldnt be. but i also feel that i cant just suck up to them. i think i just need to take a break from some people. But if i do end up taking a break from people i dont want to come off as an asshole, but i feel like i will. i just want to have a month or so, and then once i can return to society maybe ill have a renewed love for everyone

today was a great day, untill 6th peroid ended, and then one stupid thing happened after another.....

why cant things just go back to how they were back in the eighth grade

i have someone i need to talk to,
Phillip Wozny
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