Title: Guardian Angel 1
Rating: G
Pairing: KyuMin, MiMin
Genre: AU, Angst, Drama, Romance
Disclaimer: I only own the story and the plot. The characters belong to themselves.
Summary: A love triangle between a dying man, his cousin, and a medical assistant
Thank you so much for my beta
seventhhorizon, Leeanne, I love you the most *huggles*
Is it possible, to fall in love at the first sight? )
I love it already!!!!
ow zhoumi is so cute when he was a little kid!!!=3
sungmin also!!!! such a good cousin!!!!I wish I had such a lovely cousin too CX!
hahahaha kyuhyun & nice CX!!!! HAHAHA!! isn´t he a snaky gux x)!!!?? but hmm maybe he is sooo kind to "hus futur" Minnie!!!;)
till now I´ve only read that kyu is a snarky & cold hearted guy CX! but now you´ve make kyuhyun a warm hearted guy :)!!!that´s super!!!
kyu is in this story so cute !!!
I really love te kyumin scene ;)!!!!!!
owwww uplaod soon my belved Unnie!!!!~
this story is sooooo damn loveable x)!!!
ohhh I´m looking forward for next chapter & more kyumin moment ;)!!!
oh and I´ve really reall really enjoyed it C:!!!
ow I hope that minnie didn´t have a bad sickness T^T
I can´t wait for the angst ;P!
kekek I don´t need to wrry because you said it will have a happy end CX!
but should I maybe prepare a box of tissues beside me fr the next chapter? or the 3&4. hcpater ????CX!!!
again I sorry for the short comment ;(!!
I think I should take more time for comment longer in your next chapter!!!
good job!!!!
Hahaha, I like to make Kyu to be a "different" people :P
Pssstttt...you shouldn't say anything about this story...ahahaha XDDD *it's a secret*
Some tissues? Well, maybe... The angst will come next ^^
Thank you for always supporting me, my dear little sister...
Ich liebe dich <3
I love you too!~
kekke I really cheer you up so much CX!?
no you are not a amateur!!! you are a awesome writer!!!so cute if blush!!!*pinch your cheeks*
oh sorry ;(!!!I won´t say anything anymore *puts my hands over my mouth*
ookay I will prepare it CX! I hope I won´cry that much^^
I will forever support you!!!no matter in what^^!!!
ich(I) liebe(love) dich(you) auch(too) so(so) sehr(much)!!!(I love you so much tooooo!!)
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