Meme (About me~)

Oct 23, 2010 13:18

Once you've been tagged, you're supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 7 people to be tagged.

benniot_91 tagged me so here I am...

1. My name is Nita and I live in Indonesia (if you don't know me yet)
2. My favourite colour is purple. Purple is a nice colour! Why do some people say that purple is the colour of widows? No, it's not! Hehehe ^^
3. I love kids, children, babies <333
4. I'm a sunday school teacher in my church
5. I'm a pharmacist, a fresh graduate pharmacist and I love clinical pharmacy :)
6. Super Junior is my first fandom and I just knew them on June 2010 *Nita, where have you been? LOL*
7. Seven is my favourite number, I was born on the 7th day of a month, for me 7 is the simbol of perfection (weird, LOL) and.. Sungmin is the 7th member of SUJU <333
8. I can't swim but I want to learn it. Somebody please teach me?? :D
9. I eat a lot of food but I'm still thin and skinny
10. I love to cook eventhough I'm not good in cooking. Hey, at least I try! ^^
11. My English is bad >.< Anybody want to be my tutor??
12. I like traveling, i like to play in the beach, go to the mountain, or sit in the park to enjoy the beautiful scenery and feel the breeze
13. Kyuhyun is the 13th member of Super Junior and I love him as much as I love Sungmin <333
14. I have pets: 2 turtles and many fishes (2 tank full of fishes, LOL)
15. I want to get a scholarship of master degree in South Korea someday~
16. I'm a KyuMin shipper, I deeply in love with them and I don't like any Sungmin/other pairing or Kyuhyun/other pairing in romance. I'm okay if Sungmin/other and Kyuhyun/other pairings are friendship or brotherhood. Yes, I'm cheap like that, but I appreciate other opinions and others liking though *hugs everyone*
17. LJ is the first place for me to write something in English. I try to write fanfiction eventhough my fics are crap. Ahehehe *winks* I try to write all genre but I won't write smut and genderswitch. End.
18. I really love reading fanfiction but I don't read genderswitch EXCEPT if the writers are my favourites.
19. I'm a perfectionist girl, and bcoz of that I usually slow in finishing my works >.<
20. Sometimes I can be a very very very lazy bum. Ahahaha ;)
21. I used to be a quiet girl. My character is between melancholic and phlegmatic. I'm a patient girl, but once I get will never wanna get close to me in that situation. Hohoho =D
22. I like to sing. I had joined in a choir a while ago, but not anymore now...
23. I have a dream to be able to travel around the world :)
24. I like cold weather, I like the after scent of rain, I like sunrise and sunset
25. People see me as a good girl, but inside... *whispers* Ppssst...ppsssttt.. Actually I'm a bad girl, Buahahaha, really! LOL, plus I can be such a crazy and weird girl sometimes

I'm tagging my beloved: fumikux3, simbasheart, lovelydandelion, seventhhorizon, cutetooth, ogawa_kaori, elfrulezforever

For ryan87ogawa, actually I want to tag you but i find out that you already done your intoduction, ahahaha :)
For elfrulezforever and seventhhorizon, i know we haven't talk more, so let's get to know each other! ^^


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