FIC: Vacation [1/1]

Oct 13, 2011 16:13

Title: Vacation
Author: casaluna85
Characters: Luke/Reid
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 2,400
Summary: "We've been together for two years now and have never been on a vacation together!"
Disclaimer: Characters are property of ATWT, CBS, P&G etc. No profit is made from this fan creation. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: Sequel to Fight for this Love (Love Happens). You probably need to read it to understand this one.

Luke unlocked the front door and entered the apartment, putting his keychain into the bowl on the nearby cabinet. He shouted his partner’s name but was only met with silence. They had been at his parent’s house for dinner when Reid got paged to the hospital for an emergency and it seemed like he still wasn't back.

Letting out a sigh, the blond made his way into the kitchen and put the leftovers his mom had gave him for Reid into the fridge. He then walked into the living room, where he slipped off his shoes, before he grabbed his laptop from the coffee table and got comfortable on the couch. While he waited for his computer to boot, Luke turned his head to look at the picture they had mounted on the wall above the TV just a few days ago and smiled. The picture showed the both of them on Valentine's Day a few months ago, Reid standing behind Luke with his arms around his boyfriend’s waist and clearly trying not to smile, while the blond had a biggest smile on his face.

While he had enjoyed living with Reid at the cottage for a few months after it was clear that the redhead was staying in Oakdale, they soon realized that it was too small for the both of them and they moved into this apartment a few weeks later. They had debated whether they should keep the cottage or not because that's were everything started between them. It held so many memories, but they decided to sell it a few weeks after they moved out, wanting to make new memories in their new place. Luke was still working at the foundation, but had also newly rediscovered his love for writing and after some encouragement from Reid he had started to work on his first novel a few weeks ago. Reid was working longer hours now from time to time, but they still made sure to find time for each other. Of course they argued once in a while just like every other couple, but they always made up soon after and somehow the make-up sex afterwards was something he didn't want to miss. All in all their life was really good.

When Reid came home a while later, Luke was so focused on what he was looking at that he didn't even notice his boyfriend until the older man cleared his throat to get Luke's attention. "Hey, you're back." He said, smiling at the redhead.

Reid moved around the coffee table, leaning down to press a kiss on Luke's soft lips. "Hi. Are you working on your novel again?" He asked, while he slipped out of his shoes and sat down next to his partner.

"Nope not this time." Luke replied. "How did it go with your patient?"

"I saved him of course." Reid said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "So what are you doing then when you're not writing?"

Luke slightly turned the computer so that his boyfriend could see the screen, nervously biting his lip. "Have you ever been to Hawaii?"

Reid raised an eyebrow. "Uh no? And I don't intend to go anywhere anytime soon, so don't even ask." He replied, seeing through Luke's plan and got up from the couch.

The blond sighed and put the laptop back down on the coffee table to follow the older man, not wanting to give up this easily. "Come on Reid. Why not?" Luke asked when he entered the kitchen just as Reid grabbed a bottle of beer out of the fridge. "We've been together for two years now and have never been on a vacation together!"

"We've been to Chicago once." Reid replied, before taking a gulp from the beer.

Luke sighed, crossing his arms above his chest. "We were only there for a few hours and the main reason we were in Chicago was because Shawn and Amy asked us to pick them up at the airport. You know if you don't want to go on a vacation with me you can just say it."

Reid's look softened and he stepped closer to his boyfriend. "You know that's not true Luke, but the neuro wing will open in four weeks and I just can't leave Oakdale right now." He was secretly counting down the days until the new wing would finally open. Even though he never regretted staying in Oakdale with Luke and his family, sometimes the cases had bored him to tears.

"I know Reid." Luke replied, aware of the fact that his boyfriend had barely been talking about anything else in the past few weeks. He was really happy for him and supported him, but he just wished they could have some time alone together before Reid would probably working even more. "I just think that we won't get the chance at all to have a vacation together once the wing is done."

The older man lifted his hand to lovingly cup Luke's cheek. "I'm sorry. Maybe we can do it next year okay?"

Luke nodded his head, avoiding looking directly at his boyfriend. "Well, I guess I will be going to bed." He said, stepping back. "My mom gave me some leftovers for you, they are in the fridge. Good night."

Reid sighed, watching as Luke left the kitchen. He knew that it was pointless to go after him to try talk to him right now, because he was disappointed and nothing he said could change that right now. His boyfriend probably wouldn't be in the best mood in the next few days, but that was something he would have to deal with and he knew that it would wear off eventually.


When Reid woke up the next morning, Luke's side of the bed was already empty. He found a note in the kitchen a while later, saying that he had gone to the foundation early. In the evening he was greeted by a roar of laughter when he entered the apartment and found his boyfriend, his brother, and Luke's best friend in the living room watching a movie. Reid decided to go straight to bed.

The following morning he was up before Luke, wanting to make breakfast for them. He didn't miss the small smile on his boyfriends face when he entered the kitchen a little while later. Unfortunately their time was cut short, because Reid's pager went off ten minutes after they had sat down and he had to leave.

It was only shortly after five when Reid came home that day and that was something that barely ever happened. He searched for Luke and found him in their bedroom, he was changing into his comfy clothes and Reid knew that he must have just got home himself. The blond had his back to him, therefore didn't notice him right away. When Luke did happen to notice him standing in the doorframe, the older man could see the amazement in his eyes.

"Hey. You're home early." Luke said, a small smile forming on his lips.

Reid smiled back at the blond, walking further into the bedroom. "Well I was done for the day and thought I could spend some time with my boyfriend."

Luke's smile grew even bigger then and he stepped forward, slipping his arms around Reid's waist. "I'm sorry for being so distant after you've told me that you can't go on a vacation with me right now. It was stupid. I know how important this neuro wing is to you and that you can't possibly leave right now."

"My job is important to me Luke, but it only comes close second. You're the most important thing to me, you should never doubt that." Luke nodded at him with glistening eyes and Reid leaned in to snatch a kiss from his boyfriend.

"Besides I know you're gonna make it up to me." Reid teased as soon as the kiss ended.

"Oh yeah, I will." Luke replied with a smirk. He let his hands wander down further to Reid's firm ass, giving it a squeeze. "And I'm gonna start right away."

Reid groaned; placing his hands over Luke's to stop him. "As much as I hate to say this, now it not a good time." He saw the confusion written all over Luke's face and quickly continued. "I have something for you... a surprise."

"A surprise?" Luke asked with a grin. "What is it?"

"It's called surprise for a reason Snyder." Reid said, planting a kiss to his boyfriend’s lips. "Now pack some things, we're leaving soon."

"Packing? Where are we going?" The blond questioned, shifting from one foot to the other. "Come on tell me Reid."

"Nope you're not getting anything out of me." Reid smirked. "And before you ask, I already talked to your assistant and she knows that you won't be coming into work tomorrow. Besides we'll be back on Sunday."

"But... what about you? The wing?"

"I trust them to not mess it up while I'm away for a few days." Reid replied, making Luke chuckle. "Are you trying to talk me out of this?"

"No! No, of course not." Luke planting a smacking kiss onto Reid's lips. "Let's start packing!"


Almost one hour later they were finally packed and ready to leave. Luke had been slightly protesting at first when Reid wanted to blindfold him during the drive, but gave in pretty quickly. The blond tried to draw the secret of where they were going out of his boyfriend a few times during the ride, but Reid managed to keep quiet about it.

When they did finally arrive it was already getting dark. The older man parked the car a few yards away from the cabin. It was a place they had been to a few years back, when Reid had originally only been in Oakdale to visit his family. That previous trip had been pretty short, but it was a turning point in their relationship. This place held a lot of memories for them and Reid hoped that they could make a few more.

Reid reached for Luke's hand, squeezing it a bit. "We’re here."

Luke used his free hand to slowly remove the blindfold, blinking a few times to let his eyes adjust to the low light. When he did realize that they were in the middle of nowhere, right in front of Lucinda's cabin, where Reid had been comforting him in his very own way after his final break-up with Noah, Luke was choked with emotion. He turned his head to look at his partner, beaming his joy while tears filled his eyes.

"I called Lucinda. She was more than willing to help and send some of her people here to have them stock up the fridge and get the cabin ready for us. You were right, we deserve some time alone together before our life becomes even crazier. I mean this is not that five star hotel at Hawaii you showed me but---" Luke cut him off by pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

"You're babbling." The blond grinned. He lifted his hand to cup his boyfriend’s cheek. "I love it Reid. Thank you."

Reid smiled, taking Luke's hand to kiss it. "Come on. Let's go inside."


The next hour or so was spent cooking together in the small kitchen at the cabin. They talked and fooled around, making quite a mess. Feeding each other while they had dinner and sneaking in kisses, almost made them feel like they were on one of their first dates.

Later on Luke was lying between Reid's legs, while the older man rested his back against the couch. Both of them were looking at the blazing fire in the fireplace; sitting in comfortable silence after their first round of love-making. It was perfect.

It wasn't clear how long they sat like that; it could have been minutes or hours, until Reid was the first one to break the silence. "Luke?"


"Do you... do you remember what my mom said to you when we had that BBQ after she was released from the hospital, you know after I introduced you as my boyfriend?"

"What?" Luke asked, turning slightly to look at his boyfriend, wondering what he was driving at.

"She said that you were the perfect son-in-law." Reid replied, chuckling softly at the memory. "Honestly, back then I couldn't imagine getting married one day, but now..." His voice trailed off. Luke moved around so that they were facing each other, lovingly cupping his boyfriend cheek. "Luke, I'm so glad that I decided to talk to you that day when you were sitting alone at the fire pit, that you've been there for me when my mom was in the hospital and that it became so much more. I know that sometimes I'm not the easiest person to be around and that we've had our misunderstandings in the past, but these two years with you have been the best of my life."

Reid paused for a moment, fishing a black box out from under a pillow on the couch where he had hidden it earlier. He was almost sure that he could hear Luke's heart beating in his chest. "I'm so damn lucky to have you and that you love me back. I want everything with you." He opened the black box with shaking hands, revealing a simple gold band. "Will you marry me Luke?"

"Reid" Luke whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Of course I will marry you. I can't wait to be your husband."

The older man let out a sigh of relief, accepting a kiss from the blond. He took the gold band out of the box, slipping it onto Luke's finger before they sealed their deal with a kiss. "I love you so much and I promise you that you'll get your vacation when we're going on our honeymoon."

Luke climbed into Reid’s lap and wrapped his arms around his fiancé. Fiancé. Luke never thought he and Reid would take this step. He hoped and wished but he was prepared to live on as they had been. And Luke would have been fine with that, but now that it was really happening, Luke could not be happier. Luke was so excited to see his and Reid’s next chapter unfold.

And knowing that Reid was going to be by his side made everything even better. Luke could not wait for their adventure to begin.

pairing: luke/reid, one-shots

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