Believe Me I'm Lying - Master Post

Oct 04, 2011 22:34

Title: Believe Me I'm Lying
Author: casaluna85
Genres: Angst, Drama
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Reid/other (minor), Katie, Casey, original characters
Word count: ~ 24,500
Warnings: Violence
Disclaimer: Characters are property of ATWT, CBS, P&G etc. No profit is made from this fan creation. No copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: After nearly a year of dating, Luke Snyder had finally convinced Dr. Reid Oliver to move in together. Both of them loved sharing the same place, especially their bed. They had fallen into a comfortable routine. They would leave for work in the morning and meet that home in the evening, with sexy texts and emails thrown into the middle. Everything was going great, at least that's what Reid thought. He had never lived with anyone before and didn't see it coming until it was too late. Luke came home from work and told him it was over. What Reid didn't know was that Luke's actions were not his own. Who is really pulling the strings and will they be able to cut those strings and find a way back to each other?

Author's Note: Written for lurebigbang. A big thank you to ditzybea for betaing this for me, you rock! Thanks to csigeekfan for picking my story and your lovely banner! And last but not least thank you traciamc for making this Big Bang happen!

Prologue I Part One I Part Two I Part Three
Part Four I Part Five I Part Six I .pdf

fic: believe me i'm lying, pairing: luke/reid

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