Oh the Hills, Beautiful Hills.

Jul 20, 2014 21:53

West Virginia Hills
Words by Mrs. Ellen King,
Music by H. E. Engle

1. Oh, the West Virginia hills! How majestic and how grand,
With their summits bathed in glory, Like our Prince Immanuel's Land!
Is it any wonder then, That my heart with rapture thrills,
As I stand once more with loved ones On those West Virginia hills?


Oh, the hills, beautiful hills, How I love those West Virginia hills!
If o'er sea o'er land I roam, Still I'll think of happy home,
And my friends among the West Virginia hills.

Just a few miles down the road from where my mom was born and raised is a roadside plaque honoring the Engle Homestead where this song was written.   I love these mountains with all of my heart.  Although I've never lived in these hills they do feel like home.

I know this song well.  For as long as I can remember my family sang this song loudly and proudly as soon as we got on the bridge over the Ohio River.  By the time the song was finished we were in West Virginia.  My mom was always just a bit happier and spoke with a thicker accent than usual. There's only been one crossing when I didn't sing.  That was the first time I went to West Virginia after my moms passing.  I sobbed that time...but now I'm back to singing it loudly and joyously.  My kids know the song my husband knows the song...and a few of my friends know the song.

Someone once spoke of a concept called "cellular memory."  It basically states that within our cells are the memories and experiences of all of our ancestors.  Generation after generation of my family has come from those hills.  They were born there and raised there and never traveled far from the safety of these hills.  If there is any truth to cellular memory I am chock full to the gills with West Virginia in my cells.  Both of my parents were born and raised in these hills.

West Virginia feels like home to me.   I feel safe there. It's as if West Virginia has a magnetic pull upon my heart.  Just looking at this picture slows my heart.  I don't know why.  I can't even explain it.  A few of my friends and family get it.  They've been there....they've seen me there. They notice the difference.

When problems arise in my life, I think of West Virginia.  I get an urge to get in the car and just run away.   I spend my spare time dreaming about buying a plot of land building a tiny home nestled in the safety of the mountains.  To wake up where my ancestors awoke...to sit on a porch and look up at the mountains and a small patch of sky.  This my friends is my favorite daydream.

I don't have a spiritual or faithful tie here.  Not even a lesson.  I just wanted to reminisce about the hills.  About the way they nurture me and my soul.   I want to thank God for the many years that I got to visit these hills with my mom.  I'm thankful for the family that I've gathered with on a yearly basis.  I'm thankful for the love I feel when I'm gathered with them.  I'm thankful that my daughter continues to go to the hills with me.  I'm thankful for Sara and River who get my love of West Virginia.

Oh, the West Virginia hills! How unchang'd they seem to stand,
With their summits pointed skyward To the Great Almighty's Land!
Many changes I can see, Which my heart with sadness fills;
But no changes can be noticed In those West Virginia hills.

west virginia

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