I shot a wedding today. It's an honor when a bride and groom choose you to be the one to capture the images on their special day. It's also a whole lot of stress. You don't get a re-do if you goof up.
A month before the wedding, I meet with the bride and groom. I get a feel for what kind op people they are and what kind of pictures they want to include. I ask about family groupings and make sure that I don't set up a picture that will make anybody uncomfortable. The day before I shoot a wedding I make sure my camera is charged, that my picture card is actually in my camera, that my props are in the car and that I know exactly where I am going. I want to be in control of as much as I can on the special day. When I get to the church I evaluate the lighting. Decide the best angles and where I can stand to get the best shot while being the least obtrusive during the ceremony. In short, I make sure I am prepared.
Today, as I am outside shooting post wedding groupings I notice one little black stringy thing as I look through the lens. Now there's not one thing I can do about it. I'm on a time crunch. I know there are a bunch of people waiting at the reception hall, and it's my job to get the family groupings done as quickly as possible. I do not have time for a stringy thingy. I choose to shoot every picture broad....leaving lots of space around each subject so that the stringy thingy doesn't end up dangling in an image over someone's face. It's all I can do. It makes more work for me but these kids deserve my best no matter what.
Between the church and the reception, I have Carrie...my second camera and artistic eye...take a look at it as I drive. She can't get to whatever is causing the problem and I don't have the tools to fix it with me. Carrie is so level headed. She decides to inspect my images. And that stringy thingy doesn't seem to be showing up.
Here's my lesson learned. Sometimes I see a stringy thingy in my life. They seem so obtrusive. The seem just awful. And I promise you, as with the photographic incident, I freak out and do my best to control the situation. And sometimes what seems to big and terrible and invasive to me is just a tiny stringy thingy . Now I don't know what's going to show up at the doctors office on Monday. It might be something really big and awful that will change our lives forever...or it might just be a stringy thingy that doesn't even make a difference in the big picture. I'm praying for the second option. But I really shouldn't be borrowing trouble until I am able to look at the image clearly. Easier said that done but a valuable lesson none the less.