Jul 17, 2014 23:41
There was a time, when we first moved here, that we wondered if we would ever belong to our hometown. A trip to the grocery store was a very quick and anonymous thing. I'd want some milk. Drive to the store. Get out. Walk to the dairy section and then leave with some milk. It was easy. It was lonely.
Today I belong.
I want some milk. I drive to the store. I get out walk in and wave at Jan at the register. I grab a cart and end up visiting with some friends in the produce section, maybe for 15 or 20 minutes. Charlene helps me get my lunch meat and ham salad at the deli counter and we small talk about our sons. Several of my students are stocking shelves and I make sure to wave and say "Hi" I love the way they smile when they see me and pray that my smile reflects how much I love them. At the register I chat with my cashier about her kids and how her family is and sometimes the my "bagger" begs me to sing "The Lifeguard Song" before I do....and yes, I have sung to them before I walked to my car. There is no quick and easy trip to the grocery store anymore. I like it that way.
Today I was a guest at the Optimist Club luncheon. The guest speaker was a high school senior who was in a terrible car accident last January. The room was packed. The room was full of love and support and Payne spoke of the love and support this community has poured out to him during his recovery. He spoke of friend that loved him through the worst of times and cheered him on every step of the way. My eyes were filled with tear over the joy of hearing him speak. Afterwards, people gathered in small clusters and just enjoyed each others company. I caught up with a few of my students who have gone away to college. I care about how they are doing and can't wait to watch them grow. And they care about me. They listen with enthusiasm as I talk about my daughter's upcoming wedding.
In the evening I had the joy of doing a senior photo shoot with a young lady who's been part of my after school Bible Study. I love her a bit more than other students because once you have been in my Bible Study group you become "my Kid." I have kids who are now parents and I have grand-youth that I love with all my heart. How blessed I am. How blessed that I can even lead a bible study in a public school building!
We chose a great town when we moved here. It's my home. The community that helped shape my kids into the wonderful young adults that they are. The community that surrounded Paul and I with love after his car accident. These people have cried with us, laughed with us, cared for us and allowed us to care for the.
Thank you Bellbrook. I love calling you home.