I've been a very bad LJ-er lately, not posting anything and only commenting from time to time. I can't even blame it on being busy, just plain lazy and too absorbed in other fun stuff. But no more! I've decided to try an experiment - I have to write at least one entry a day, even if I feel I don't have anything to write about, because despite what we may think sometimes, there's always something to write about. I usually have great ideas when I'm on the bus to work, sometimes I even have entire entries written in my head, but then I go to work, I get busy and distracted with a million things and I forget all about what I wanted to write. And when I get home I usually don't really feel like doing much thinking at all. But I shall conquer this!
I was going to start the experiment on Monday, but then I thought, what's wrong with Wednesday and here I am.
Today I want to write about a small problem I have with Lola. She hates being alone and everytime she sees me getting ready to leave, she starts following me around yowling at the top of her lungs, and then when that doesn't work, she rolls on her back trying to convince me to play with her instead of going out. And when I come back home, she meows my ear off. She's so loud I can hear her on the ground floor of the building (I live on the first floor). I know she only starts the concert when she hears me in the building, though, so at least she doesn't make noise all the time she's alone.
It's not that this bothers me as much as it makes me feel guilty. I feel like a bad cat mum whenever I leave her and I've begun to shorten the time I spend away because I don't want the cat to be alone too long. I know one solution to this problem would be getting another cat, but I don't feel this is really the right thing to do for me, at least not at this point. For one, I'm not sure how Lola would receive another cat on her turf. She did chase away strays and our neighbours' cats when she was in our summer house. Secondly, I worry I wouldn't be able to handle two cats, especially in my small flat. Lola is pretty well-behaved, but every cat likes to play, and when I imagine two felines running amok in the middle of the night...yeah, not very tempting. And last but not least, my cat allergy returned in full force a few months ago, I take pills every other day and I'm mostly fine, but still it probably wouldn't be very wise to get one more cat in my situation.
Maybe some of you have some suggestions on how to deal with a hysterical cat? If only I could afford a cat sitter! :P