Aug 03, 2009 15:51
Excellent moment of last Friday: "We drink our soup. Drink your soup. Drink your soup!" Courtesy of the old Chinese waitress at the OYSHI SUSHI restaurant in Toronto.
I took a trip up to Toronto last weekend for an interview. (I also saw Niagara Falls from the Canadian side, stayed in a hostel, got scammed a bunch of money for parking, and thought Canadian drivers were going to destroy my car.) If I get the job (which I'll know some time this month), I'll be teaching English in Japan probably no later than March 2010. Possibly much sooner. Not being an assistant. Being a teacher! I am pretty excited but also afraid that I am psyching myself up. I was overly confident during the last round of job applications/interviews... and that got me a lot of hurt and disappointment. Le sigh.
Hey! I got a fortune cookie yesterday (two days after my interview) that said I would "soon be crossing the great waters." I don't believe in fortune cookies, but this made me happy.
I am not excited at the idea of leaving people behind here in the good ol' United States of America. And yet, my excitement about seeing people I miss in Japan seems to outweigh my dismay about leaving people behind. This is, on the whole, irrational. Why? Mostly because most of my Japanese friends can't compare in closeness to my American friends. I've known this for as long as I've been meeting Japanese people, and I've never wavered on this point. Still, something about Japanese friends pulls at me. Is it because I'm a weeaboo? I don't wanna be a weeaboo. Why am I weeaboo??!!
On a positive note, I am just as excited about seeing American friends in Japan as I am about seeing Japanese friends in Japan. So maybe, maybe, it has to do with Japan instead of Japanese people specifically. Yes? Please? Wait, would that in any way make me less of a weeaboo? I don't even know. Speaking of weeaboos.. JT called them "jezzaboos" the other day by accident. I thought it was eerily more accurate than the actual term. Huh.
So.. I can't stop listening to Korean boy bands. Thanks, Alina. Thanks for ruining my delicate sensibilities (also my life).<3
I owe Hiroki a package. I have been collecting things for it but never getting around to mailing it ever since May. He's probably thinking I forgot. Or assuming I'm like Minami in that I make empty promises, which is far worse of an assumption. I also need to figure out what I want Hiroki to send me from Japan. So far, I got 耳かき (ear cleaning sticks) on my list... and that's it. I don't want food or drinks because I can pretty much get those here for cheaper than the cost of shipping. I need ideas! And trust me, "dick in a box" has already crossed my mind and been deleted from the viable options category.
I saw three snails on my way to class today. Not together... just in various places along the road.
I was thinking recently that I want a new LJ layout. I like this one, but it's old. I'm not sure what the new theme will be yet, though. Also... I should probably avoid making a new one until tomorrow. If I start one tonight, I'll never get my teaching materials class homework done. Due at 11:59:59PM. Awesome.
I wanna work as an aide with the new Chubes or new Musashi students from Japan so I can make money. I need money, particularly if I get this teaching job because I'd need to save up before I go over there. Unfortunately, OPIE decided to give the positions to other TEFL practicum students without an assignment. Thus the aides have to work for free, and OPIE doesn't have to pay anyone. It's a smart move on their part but sucks all around.
I miss Satoosh. :/ It's thoughts like this that make me want to text irrational messages/questions to Hiroki. AKA fml. teh end.
That last bit there leaves me feeling especially geeky. I am satisfied with this, so I will say goodbye now.