Testing 1, 2, 3--Review

May 11, 2007 10:47

This thing between us. . .it's over.

That's what I want to tell Shonda.  Because I really believe that she is less invested in her show than I am.  Drama is a love triangle.  There's the author/playwright/writing team.  There are the actors.  And, the part Shonda has forgotten, the audience.

The writers have a responsibility, from the time the ( Read more... )

grey's anatomy, episode review

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Comments 12

Adding my comment on the writers blog carsonfiles May 11 2007, 18:36:49 UTC
Pretty much a cut/paste. But I said some things better there ( ... )


apurplepatch May 12 2007, 08:31:13 UTC
I think I'm most offended by the idea that "I don't know if I want to breathe for you anymore," but then I'm gonna sulk because you don't use me as a life support system.

Mere doesn't know how to do relationships, she has never had a normal healthy relationship in her life, including Derek. And there he is all McDreamy, and then married and still chasing and then I've been in love with you forever and I'll always be there and then I met someone last night and you should be worried? I mean SERIOUSLY WTF?

I. Just. Can't. Take. Much. More. Of. This.

On the other hand - the bright side of my life has been fic - and via ariaadagio's journal I have been enjoying your writings. Thank you for your fic and your thoughts.


maigray May 12 2007, 12:28:26 UTC
Okay, I just listened to the podcast and I'm feeling loads better about them. Shonda Rhimes comes straight out and says Derek's a man with many insecurities, but his biggest fear is that Meredith will leave him. If that's really still his biggest fear, there's lots of hope yet.


carsonfiles May 12 2007, 14:12:13 UTC
I can't decide whether to listen to the podcast or not. I've heard that it's very frustrating. I'll probably listen on Thursday, when my frustration will be short-lived. (Until it starts all over again at 10:12pm)


maigray May 12 2007, 21:12:49 UTC
That's funny because I had heard the same thing and held off on listening for that reason. But I thought it was quite a good podcast. They talked about every character and every plot development, and spent time on both Meredith and Derek explaining their issues.


carsonfiles May 12 2007, 21:28:23 UTC
But don't they try to get you to sympathize with Derek? Say it's all Meredith's fault, that she should have let him in ( ... )


samsolace May 14 2007, 23:28:50 UTC
Yeah, I was in your exact fed-up place a few weeks ago. I was ready to give up. I watch GA and do the fan stuff to decrease anxiety and depression, not increase it. I actually wrote a few shippers and said I was ready to give up writing the fanfics after I was done with my current substory. Basically, they talked me down from the ledge. I stepped back back back. Now I can withstand this facsimile of McDreamy and keep the hope alive. They have got to realize for the sake of their pocketbooks that they are committing show hari kari if they make McDreamy into McDickwontstayinhispants. I am hoping S4 will be better. At least Addison will be gone and maybe Callie.


maigray May 17 2007, 15:49:27 UTC
So did you ever listen to the podcast? What did you think?


carsonfiles May 17 2007, 16:15:12 UTC
I didn't have any real reaction, because it didn't give me any insight I didn't already have. And I thought they were a bit coy & precious talking about the finale. Which they would be, and that's fine, but. . .


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