(no subject)

May 04, 2004 20:07

Okay, so this will make two posts in two days. That's just crazy, yo.

I'm at work, my one closing shift for the entire pay period, and insanely bored. I sent Darrell, my mid shift, home at 7 instead of 8 because damn, is it slow. I also sent Darlene, the opener, home 45 minutes early for the same reason.

Right now I'm just sitting here thinking of how I used to close often 4 nights a week at Fashion Square, and sorta laughing. I am *so* much happier here than I was in Scottsdale. I loved working at Scottsdale and still sort of yearn to see the same people (last week one of the managers at Scottsdale called for a DTC and it was SO GREAT to hear his voice) and hang out with everybody, but then I think how crazy stressed I always was when I was there and realize that I'm most definitely in the right place now. And within the next year there could be some uh, changes made in the department that could be very much in my favor. Pay raise, much? We shall just have to wait and see.

I'm not saying that I'm completely stress free here. There have been a few issues with the new team, but they're slowly but surely getting ironed out. And like I've mentioned in just about every update I've made since I started here, I love my manager. Her name is Chastity (we call her Chas), she's 23, and just so cool. We're a lot alike (a LOT) so that makes things a lot nicer. We go to lunch together at least once a week, and she introduces me to people as her right hand. Or her lifesaver. I don't know that I ever would have gone out to lunch with Patie, my old manager. But with Chas it's just what we do, you know? She's told me point-blank that she wants me to be a manager, which flattered the hell out of me. Sooo, yeah. That's that.

Um, I don't think I have anything to go on about. I did just successfully waste 15 minutes, though. Woohoo!

John Mayer is coming to Charlotte on my birthday. Yes, that's completely relevant to everything I said in here. Ha.

Okay, I'm out.
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