Event update

Feb 22, 2011 15:54

The morning after the party.... How are you? Have a nice hangover, ate too much, or feel that there is something that you shouldn't have done? Or was it just an awesome night?

Either way, you somehow dragged yourselves back home or passed out somewhere, and when you wake up, everything is how it was the morning after the storm. Nearly.

1) If any of you passed out in the park, they will find themselves locked into a room somewhere in Linda's house. There is no door, but a window, and if you look outside you can see that it is the third floor. Jumping out might be a bad idea. But you have your communicator, and calling for help is what ssmart people do, right?

2) If your character decides to go exploring, they will find the following:

a) if they venture into the desert, there they can find
1 smoking volcano (who will not talk to them, but only stand around and smoke. He looks a bit stoned. ....literally and less literally.)
1 human skull (which will talk to you, but only the very same lines, over and over: "Kiss me! Kiss me! Kiss me! etc")

b) if you walk down the beach, you can find
1 Buried "Beware of Moose" sign
1 Surfboard
1 long mast-like thing that, upon closer inspection, will turn out to be a burnt maypole

c) if you go on adventures in Linda's house, all the rooms will be empty and white (though the voices and shados and such still remain), but there are a few things hidden there as well.
1 White shirt with a tiny rainbow flag on it
1 Set of plastic fake boobs

FINDING ALL OF THESE ITEMS IS THE GOAL OF THIS TEST. (But of course you are encouraged to do something with them) Basically, the subjects' curiousity is being tested. Thus, there will be no announcement, but there will still be punishment if the goal is not reached.

All the communities have new layouts now, finally. Yay us~

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