No colors but still delicious.

Feb 21, 2011 22:35

Ladies and gentlemen, come one, come all to the latest meme! Completely original to carriero, with apologies to dear_mun! This is that place where muses decide whether to talk about your muns, mun-chans, or ladies mundane! That vaguely defined universe you keep working up in AIM and D_M but never really work out or care about - with the forehead kisses, the awareness of pre-shipping, and cleverly named weapons from inside your muses' canon! In short, it's...

  1. Comment with a statement by your characters like you would make in a post to dear_mun
  2. Respond to other comments with your characters and get in fights
  3. Find out about CR or events you never might have known would happen
  4. ???
  5. PROFIT!

can't we all just get along like we did in middle school

Ladies and gentlemen, come one, come all to the latest meme! [MENTION WHERE YOU GOT IT AFTER IT SPREAD FROM CARRIERO] Completely original to , with apologies to ! This is that place where muses decide whether to talk about your muns, mun-chans, or ladies mundane! That vaguely defined universe you keep working up in AIM and D_M but never really work out or care about - with the [PLATONIC SUCH INTERACTION THAT HAS HAPPENED], the [SHIPPING RELATED SUCH INTERACTION THAT HAS HAPPENED], and [THING RELATED TO YOUR INTERACTION WITH MUSE'S CANON THAT HAS HAPPENED]! In short, it's...

  1. Comment with a statement by your characters like you would make in a post to
  2. Respond to other comments with your characters and get in fights
  3. Find out about CR or events you never might have known would happen
  4. ???
  5. PROFIT!

weird lowercase text referencing the anonmeme