DECK THE HALLS [Arts and Crafts Room]carriero_npcDecember 19 2011, 07:30:57 UTC
[Whether you're here willingly or not, you're going to end up here at some point. Have fun washing the glitter off later, because you know it's going to get everywhere.]
He only comes willingly because of the inherent threat that he will be here no matter what, and there is at least some dignity in not being dragged kicking and screaming (or however else the computer will manage it). Of course, he regrets that decision the moment he has glitter dumped on him. "Oh wwhat the fuck?" He's. Sparkling. SPARKLING.
It's a good thing Canada is cute and a 'grub' as far as Eridan's concerned.
The grub gives the troll a smile, pleased with his work.
"You look much better now, Herr Fishy." Take it from the kid who looks like he rolled in the glitter before everyone else showed. He is clearly the glitter expert. "Don't you feel better?"
He mutters something about wigglers under his breath, doing his best to remember that Canada is just a little kid and he really shouldn't cull him for that. "My name is Eridan not Hair Fishy that name doesnt ewen make sense." He brushes irritatedly at some glitter, which only serves to transfer it from his sleeve to his hand. He kind of wants to facepalm, as he should have expected that, but that might get glitter in his eyes.
"Oh." This is news to him. "But Prusse called you that! And you do look sort of like a fishy. And Papa says Herr means the same as Monsieur so it's polite."
"I don't knoww wwhat either a those wwords mean in the wway you're usin' them, but it's kind a rude to not use someone's actual name, don't you think?" He slowly raises his eyebrows, hoping that the kid takes the hint.
Canada spends a moment rocking back and forth, looking uncertain. Although it certainly wasn't a habit at home, he'd come to take Prussia's word as the one to listen to here, and it seemed to fit the troll much better than the alternative did.
"...Thanks." See? He can totally be nice and acceptable in human society. "So wwhat's your name so I don't hawe to call you some wweird nickname like Mister Curly Hair?" He's given up on being anything but sparkly, but... well, at least it goes with his jewelry. And it is really pretty. Even if it's undignified.
...He may have a slight weakness for grubs small children.
"Oh, you can call me that if you would like!" The rocking switches from side-to-side to front-to-back. "Or Nouvelle-France, or Canada, or Mathieu, or anything you want to."
That makes him frown slightly, because he's pretty sure Canada is a country on Earth, but then, humans do seem to have weird names. "Well then, Mister Curly Hair Mathieu, let's do some crafts!" He grins widely, reaching over to get a handful of purple glitter and dumping it over Canada's head.
The child squeals at that, positively gleeful in his renewed glitter cloud. Once some of it has settled, he grabs Eridan's hand to pull him over to the craft table he was already working at, where intricate beadwork and small models of animals are, as expected, glittering everywhere.
"What sort of thing would you like to make first?"
He can't help but laugh at that excited squeal, and all but trips over himself being dragged along. He stares at the beadwork and animal figures, quite frankly surprised that Canada could make such things. "I don't knoww, wwe don't really do this kind a holiday thin' back home. I mean there's Twwelfth Perigree's Evve but..." Little handwave he usually uses when dismissing an idea.
"WWhat sort a thin's do humans make for this kind a holiday?"
"WWell, wwhat does your... Papa? wwhat do his people do? Any sort a mystical symbols or wwhatnot, or is it okay to just make wwhatevver?" He reaches for some clay and begins kneading it, looking just a little irritated when bits of it get stuck under his fingernails.
It's a good thing he's cute?
It's a good thing Canada is cute and a 'grub' as far as Eridan's concerned.
"You look much better now, Herr Fishy." Take it from the kid who looks like he rolled in the glitter before everyone else showed. He is clearly the glitter expert. "Don't you feel better?"
"Yes," he says finally. "I am sorry."
...He may have a slight weakness for grubs small children.
"What sort of thing would you like to make first?"
"WWhat sort a thin's do humans make for this kind a holiday?"
Your guess is as good as any, Herr Fis-- Eridan.
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