Dec 19, 2011 02:26

WHO: Everyone. And Linda does mean everyone.
WHAT: Celebrating Christmas a winter holiday!
WHERE: The entire asylum.
WHEN: 19 December until 30 December
WARNING(S): That up there is a TV Tropes link.

Bright and early on the morning of 19 December, a message will pop up on the network. It reads as follows:

"Good morning, patients!

Today we are commencing our holiday celebrations and we hope that you will join us in preparing the asylum for this! As I'm sure you've noticed by now, there is a wonderful fresh holiday evergreen set up in the cafeteria, but it seems to be quite bare. To help get everyone in the holiday spirit, we're going to decorate this tree together! And not just with any ornaments, but with ones lovingly crafted by you, the patients.

There will be a mandatory session in the arts and crafts room for all patients commencing at twelve-hundred hours (1200) and ending at fourteen-hundred (1400), or just as soon as everyone has made an ornament for the holiday evergreen, whichever comes later. We encourage you to introduce your own winter holiday customs and traditions into the decorations you make. This will encourage multi-culturalism and acceptance of the beliefs of others, as well as build teamwork and a sense of togetherness. We also encourage you to make cards or gifts for your fellow patients if you are so inclined, but only creation of a tree decoration is mandatory.

Until then, please enjoy the selection of music and environmental stimuli we have chosen to help set the mood, and remember: Linda knows if you've been naughty or nice!"

When you step outside your room, you will find a wreath decorating every bedroom door, and garlands of greenery and festive ribbon tied in graceful arcs down the hallway. The handrails on the stairs are also wrapped in similar garland, and the air seems to be filled with the scent of pine needles, although there is a distinct chemical undertone to it, like a cheap air freshener.

Further exploration will show that the cafeteria has indeed been rearranged; tables and chairs taken out to make room for a rather large, yet obviously bare, spruce tree. Underneath of it are a number of small boxes, ornately wrapped, and bearing a tag with a name on it. If you look carefully, you may even find one with your name! However, it seems as though the wrapping is printed onto the box, as there is no way to open the container as of yet. If you shake one, however, there is the possibility you will hear something inside!

Anyone intrepid enough to go down to the garden will find that the flurries of before have, overnight, become enough to turn the room into a winter wonderland. The snow is in some areas piled up to at least the waist height of the average adult human, so you may want to be careful if you are one of the younger patients here.

Finally, if when you go to the arts and crafts room, you will find that a number of supplies have been thoughtfully set up for the purposes of making decorations. There are pom-poms in a multitude of sizes, yarn, piles of paper, safety scissors, paints, glue, modeling clay, enough glitter that you'll be finding it around the asylum for the next six months... Of course, this is not the limit to what can be used for making your ornament; the entire stock of the arts and crafts room is at your disposal.

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prussia, canada, hayato gokudera, red medic, andrea, linda, kanaya maryam, eridan ampora

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