I wonder what it's like there [OPEN]

Aug 07, 2011 01:41

WHO: Hatsune Miku and whoever else wants to be upset by the pains of young love cut short
WHAT: Saihate ( lyrics) Over and over and over and over unless you physically drag her out of the room. You always start the thread just as the song is ending, either because your character has the restraint to not interrupt until then, or because that is when your character shamelessly bursts in, because I am not going down the "typing out all the lyrics tag by tag" road again. Come on, I translated them myself.
WHERE: Karaoke room
WHEN: 11:42 AM on the first day of the fourthwall.
WARNING(S): Miku may cry. Anyone who shows up may cry. You may cry. You will also hear Japanese words that may be the only ones she ever says in this game. SJT angst levels are through the roof. Also, oh my god, the opener is a small novel. Just... stay calm and carry on, the tags will be normal. Ish.

This new day filled Miku with a sense of horror almost as soon as she jolted to activation with the message at three in the morning, and the other results of the earthquake. It had jostled her around badly, and coupled with the aftermath of their week with wings, not to mention the few lingering effects of her bout with antigravity, she was a complete wreck physically. The plastic of her skin and the metal underneath and even some of the wires were plain to see. A good bit of her right ear had fallen off, partially exposing the microphones where her ear canal should be. Only her arms and hands were unscathed.

As she wandered along through the asylum, full to the brim, stuffed with strangers, somehow she felt emptier, more alone in spite of all the company. There could just be a literal hole in her somewhere, that might be why she was feeling that way. It was only a few hours after she had woken up that she came across the actual hole.

It was in a wall on the first floor, right across from her own room, where she had come back to check on her communicator, which she;d left behind during some of the day's earlier rounds of exploration. Next to the door, a somewhat triangular meeting of three or four cracks. At the pressure of her hand, some pieces of plaster gave and the hole widened enough to see through some of, giving a view inside the room. Empty. The bright white void led Miku's vision away from itself, drawing her attention to the equally empty plaque beside it.

A-011. TSH-866-001. That's what it should have said. But it didn't. It was white, and empty, like the room. She pressed her fingers to the surface repeatedly, willing that to change its display, but there was no effect. It was as cold and featureless as a block of ice.

Several minutes later, after checking her communicator repeatedly, walking back, trying to get her head into the hole, hitting down the door, anything, Miku turned away from the plaque and began to make her way to the staircase. She walked without saying a word, without breathing or blinking, an empty look in her eyes that really did look like the soulless gaze of a robot for once. Up and up the stairs she went, four floors to take a pink guitar from the music room, and then one more to the karaoke bar.

She'd resisted this kind of thing so many times before. The other inmates would have found it trite, or there wouldn't be an audience, or there wasn't the right equipment around, or before she knew it the appropriate time had simply passed. But she had everything she could need - except for maybe a black tie and black sweater like she'd worn in the PV, but her uniform was featured in it too, including the shots with the guitar, so it was all right - and there was no reason to care about what any of them thought anymore. Or at least, nobody that she cared enough to worry about bothering would be bothered, so it would be all right. They would understand. There was only one person there that she really, truly cared about making an unconditionally good impression on, and she probably couldn't do that anymore.

She had, after all, reached the furthest end.

!4th wall visitors welcome, miku hatsune

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