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Jun 22, 2005 22:33

So this week has been pretty good so far. At first, I wasnt allowed to do anything since I was gone like everyday last week. I guess understand that but I knew it wouldnt last long. Monday I cleaned, dusted, and vaccumed the living room in hopes of being able take a mall trip. Tuesday I went to the mall with Jeanna. It was a great girl trip to the mall..I had alot of fun and I got a shirt a American Eagle yay. Anywho so when Jeanna brought me home it was funny cause she passed my driveway twice!!! It was quite hilarious if I do say so myself. I cant blame her though..my driveway does tend to sneak up on you. haha. Thanks for hanging out with me girl! Today I really exhausted myself cleaning..I know that sounds stupid but I really pushed myself too much. I cleaned, dusted, and vaccumed every single room in this house except for my brother's room and my dad's bathroom. I'm planning on doing my dad's bathroom tomorrow because that's a whole days worth in itself. So anyways the point of all this cleaning was so that Keri and Diana can come over. Diana said she could but Keri's still iffy. I hope they can come. If not I'll be very sad and bored. :( Anywho so after I cleaned I took a well needed nap just like I've done every other day this week. I guess I'm still not completely caught up on sleep yet. Friday or sometime very soon Im hoping to hang out with Steph. That will be great!!! I scrapbooked tonight a little. I worked on River of Life '05. Speaking of River of Life...I passed a house today with my mom that had a bunch of teenagers painting and doing yard work. It looked just like a River of Life site. I wanted to cry as soon as I saw it because I automatically missed it so much. But I ended up smiling because it reminded me of how contagious our God's love is. You must admit..our God is amazing. :)

So throughout cleaning today I did alot of thinking which usually tends to be bad in my case. I always over think situations. Ehh today I couldnt really tell if it was good or bad. Neither really I guess. I was just thinking about how emotionally worn out I am. I dont know..I guess I just feel like I put on a happy act for everyone and to make them think Im ok..and its not that Im not ok because I am..Its just..I dont know..Im not as happy as I was this time a year or two ago..and I miss that because I had so much fun when I was that old hyper Lindsay..you know? Now it seems like I dont even know that person anymore. I think I can definitely say I've changed since this time last year. I'm more responsible, mature, and I dont know..I just feel like life is passing me by so fast and I cant enjoy it because Im too busy trying to figure out what just happened. Its crazy..I've felt so much better this week and I know exactly why. Sunday night I just broke down. I just lost it. I talked to God that night for a very long time. I told Him I was sorry for some of the things Id done and told Him that I needed Him now more than I've needed Him before. Im already saved..I just had some one on one time with God ya know? Since then I've noticed a complete change in my attitude. I'm not as grumpy and angry anymore. Its been nothing short of amazing. And I do love my friends..they're the best anyone could ask for. Ok..Im sorry because I know that had to have bored the crap out of you. Im out loves. Peace to ya.

<3 Lindsay

Oh yeah! My mom might let me get a Season's Pass for Six Flags!!!!!!!!! YAAAAYYYYY!!!!! :)
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