Aw crap...

Sep 05, 2007 10:24

That's pretty much been my phrase for the last 12 hours.

Last night I realized my claddaugh ring was missing.  I'd taken it off and set it on the bathroom sink(it did NOT go down the drain)  Lemme describe to you my bathroom layout.  My  "bathroom" has a toilet and a tub.  Outside the bathroom I have a huge countertop with a big mirror and sink.  So having that said, after I set my ring on the countertop, I went in to do my business, forgot about the ring...brrr duh!, and didn't realise it till later.  I'm 100% certain that one of my cats found my ring an irresistable play toy and batted it around before losing interest.  I really haven't looked for it that much.  I love that ring, but yeah, lazy....

After that, I ended up falling asleep on the couch.  It's been hard for me to get to sleep the last couple nights, and when I awoke at 6:30 this morning, I should have just stayed awake.  My alarm was set for 7, AM, but it never went off.  I'm not sure why, but I know that I leave for work around 8:15(work is at 9) and I awoke just about 8:50 this morning.  I called the temp to hire place that I am technically working for, for the next 4 months(and hopefully will still be working for) and told them what was up.  Then I called and told my place of employment what was going on.  They didn't seem upset or nonchalant.  I guess thats OK, because I certainly could have shit a brick....
OH!  but thats not all, I realised that before I needed to leave this morning, that I had to pay rent today.  I drive over to the office, and am told that the last bill received by the complex stated that I hadn't transferred the units bill over to my name.  Aww crap, I said.  I'd been meaning to do that, honest.  (No, really)  
The bill was a shock to me, but thankfully I'll have a bit of time before I need to pay it, so thats not bad.
I'm taking half an hour for lunch today and tommorow, to make up for the time I lost.  I'm supposed to work backup for the carriage company this weekend.  Working backup means you go in for a couple hours to help others harness and hitch the horses, then if someone calls in, you end up working.  If someone doesn't go in, you end up with $20 for a couple hours work.  Part of me hopes NO ONE calls in, but in the end its more money for me. So thats a plus.
Both tommorow and Friday are casual days.  Friday usually is anyway, but tommorow is because of the first day of football season for the Colts.  And me without a jersey or shirt.  The only football type clothing I own is a Bears hoodie.....*snicker*

Well, I am from Illinois.

OK, heres to the day looking better, and causual days to come. :) 

stress, life, work

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