The Unseen is now Seen, My Life and The Unseen review

Apr 24, 2006 10:12

Ok I recieved bad news on Thursday that my Father had had a heart attack soo I haven't been too with it, it's especially hard since he lives in Paris and while I did ask him if I could come over to help him out, he would prefer if I didn't, but because he doesn't like me but because he feels he doesn't need someone taking care of him, anyway it's ( Read more... )

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westleyo April 24 2006, 22:14:51 UTC
First, sorry about your dad. I hope he's doing okay.

I saw the movie and I agree with a lot that you have said. I have seen almost everything that Gale Harold has done outside of QAF and after this one I came to the decision not to see anymore of his films unless I know more about them. Nothing against Gale it's just that this type of heavy drama is not what I care to see. There were somethings about the film I liked very much. Steve Harris was very good with Harold's brother I forgot his name. I could see where this film could have been a lesson about redemption but instead Harold was a lost cause not worth saving because of something his father did. The scene that you metioned at the end was way over the top. Another shocking ending, big surprise. I don't know why film makers are so set on making the shocking ending the only thing you remember about the film. It was long and drawn out and caused me as much pain to watch it as the character was in. All in all I would prefer not to have this image in my head. But to each his own.


carr0ts1979 April 26 2006, 13:13:40 UTC
I think you totally summarised what I was trying to say soo well. A while back I decided that if one of Gale's films was in my state and i could go and see it then I would, but that's as far as I would go. I happend to bump into a Gale fan who had gone to Sarasota to see Fathers and Sons, and she was once again in West Palm, we had a brief chat and she said she was going to New York to go see East Broadway, I think that's going a little too far, but hey she could be a millionare and isn't botherd by the time and expense. I will never be one of those fans, when i have traveld to see the actors live(I would never get on a plane to see a film), it's generally been more of an excuse to meet up with friends than for the performance itself.


westleyo April 26 2006, 17:31:10 UTC
I am not that kind of fan either. Lucky for me I live in NYC where they all end up at one point of their careers. I saw Gale a bunch of times when he was in Uncle Bob. I've see all of Randy's plays that he did in NY. I am going to see Randy in Stockbridge but mostly because a group of us are going and we will have fun together.


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