The Unseen is now Seen, My Life and The Unseen review

Apr 24, 2006 10:12

Ok I recieved bad news on Thursday that my Father had had a heart attack soo I haven't been too with it, it's especially hard since he lives in Paris and while I did ask him if I could come over to help him out, he would prefer if I didn't, but because he doesn't like me but because he feels he doesn't need someone taking care of him, anyway it's been stressful.

Ok now onto The Unseen review. So last Friday The Unseen was playing at the Palm Beach International Film Festival, I have been excited about going to see the film the first time I heard it was going to be playing, so I was a little overcome when on Friday afternoon, I became sick, and not in the ohh I have a little pain, as in crap i can hardly move or stop throwing up, but I was friggin determined to see this film, soo I took a load of tablets and prayed that I would make it through the film without too much discomfort. So anyway I get in my car drive 5 mins and arrive at the cinema. I was expecting the cinema to be rather full as this was a film festival after-all. but no, there really couldn't of been more than 20 people there, I was totally disapointed by the turnout, but would like to think it's due to the hardly any publicity, and the rather unmotivating extract they had of the film in the program (I don't have the program here with me, but it was about 1 sentance long, and not very intresting). So now onto my review of the film

I wasn't really sure what to make of this film before I had watched it, I had seen some terrible reviews for it as well as some clearly Gale gussing ones, I was sceptical to be honest, lets admit it not all of Gale's film have been masterpieces now. So it's with great pleasure that I can say it's ....well okish, yup no raving from me on this one, the concept of the film wasn't bad, even if I don't think they nailed the whole suspence of the reason there was a rift between Steve Harris's character Roy and Gale's Character Harold. At the begginign of the film they show you a small portion of why the rift happend, and while it did leave me wondering what had happend I also wasn't on the edge of my seat wanting to know because numerious time throughout the film you think they are hinting at what is the problem, I kept changing my mind as to what had caused the rift, that when i was shown what had caused it, it was soo not what I was expecting, simply because of the way the characters acted as adults, and it is not the way I would have believed them to have acted had this of actually happend that I felt after the film had ended to be rather let down but what I assume the whole plot and story was revolved around. But even that small matter, i could have overlooked and said,well it's still not a bad film, and i would have done had Michelle Clunie not opened her mouth, she completely ruined the film, every other actor totally made the characters believable, but I really believe it is the worse piece fo acting I have ever seen, if I had of been the director I would have replaced her, she didn't fit in with any of the other characters, and I totally believe she brought the whole film down, which is a shame, because the rest of the actors really did a great job. However while Gale was very believable i wasn't thrilled with his last scene, I still cannot decide if it was over acting, or just an inability to know how to play that scene, but apart from that he did a great job. The film really wasn't too bad, and I think recasting of MC and you would of had a great little indy flick.  Is it Gale's best piece of work?????? I don't think soo. Is it better than some of his other films? I believe so. If it comes to a cinema near you, should you go see it? If you a big Gale fan, then i would say yes, but I wouldn't rearange previously made plans to go see it.
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