(intro) o_o

Sep 17, 2010 16:56

Lystra is sitting at the window, alone. She's sent everyone away, not that there were many people to send away. Most of the others at the Pinnacles are dragon-knights, whose only interest in the queen and her newborn son is how well they are protected. Lystra isn't craving company or conversation, though. She's happy to sit quietly at the window, ( Read more... )

zz:(dropped)franz d'epinay, zz:(dropped)blind mag, aredhel, lystra, zz:(dropped)enide, gawain, sophie rackham, zz:(dropped)armand st. just (novel), sugar castaway, !introduction, alphonse elric

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Comments 273

aru_iru September 17 2010, 18:05:53 UTC
Well, he's not a knight, but he might be mistaken for one? Alphonse is heading down the same corridor, a few books in one arm and another open in his other hand. He's paying more attention to the halls this time though and spots the woman.

He closes the book at seeing her frightened expression and tries to offer an air of calm and safe. Being as large as he is, he's not sure if it's effective or not...

"Oh! Um, hello there miss." There is a smile in his very young voice.


ofsandandstone September 18 2010, 03:26:15 UTC
Lystra regards him for a moment, wide-eyed. It is comforting to see somebody, even if it's not somebody she knows, so she calms a little. She figures (or hopes) Al is one of Meteroa's dragon riders, even if she's never seen him before, here or at Clifftop.

She inclines her head a little, by way of greeting. It's the closest she can get to a bow while holding her son.

"I fear I've lost my way, rider," she says, managing to keep the nervousness out of her voice and sound calm and queenly.


aru_iru September 18 2010, 03:55:55 UTC
Rider? He doesn't know what that means, but he's helpful, really! "Oh! Are you new then?"


ofsandandstone September 18 2010, 04:43:12 UTC
Lystra looks a little confused. "New?"


arid_white_lady September 17 2010, 20:05:19 UTC
It may be luck that has it - for the human queen may come then across an elven princess, bearing one on her chest and the other at her back, a set of baby twins. The girls are big - heavy and ripe with nine months of growth - but Aredhel is strong and does not fold under their weight.

She'll give the other young mother a small smile, polite, engaging.

"Good day," she ventures. She's not seen other nursing babes, Aiden and Etienne excepted, in a long time.


ofsandandstone September 18 2010, 03:43:45 UTC
Lystra smiles shyly when Aredhel addresses her. She bobs her head a little, the closest thing to a bow she can easily manage while holding her son.

"Good day," she returns.


arid_white_lady September 18 2010, 21:26:53 UTC
Aredhel can't really bow or curtsy either, loaded as she is. "I don't think we've met before," she ventures kindly. "Are you new come?"


ofsandandstone September 19 2010, 06:44:54 UTC
Lystra nods in response to the question. "I am Queen Lystra, of the Endless Sea," she says, a bit timidly.


firstbornoflot September 17 2010, 20:54:39 UTC
In her wanderings, Lystra might come across a prince of Orkney, sitting on a windowsill and writing (and sighing) and writing (and sighing.)

Trying to make heads or tails of the way things have been going, Gawain is attempting a diary - but it's painful.

Mostly because he's never been very literate to start.


ofsandandstone September 18 2010, 04:38:12 UTC
Lystra happens to be walking by, her son in her arms, and she pauses when she sees Gawain. She wasn't expecting to run into anybody. Gawain might notice a young queen standing nearby, hesitating timidly.


firstbornoflot September 18 2010, 22:09:24 UTC
When he feels observed, Gawain looks up, and the moment he sees the young woman, he stands abruptly and bows. "My lady." He is every inch the courtier, in this instant.


ofsandandstone September 19 2010, 07:00:00 UTC
Lystra smiles, glances down, then looks back up. She blushes, just a little. She'd bow in return, but it's not really possible while holding her son.

"Good day," she ventures, quietly.


chromaggia_diva September 17 2010, 23:21:24 UTC
If she ventures into the main room, she might find a woman in a red gown, busily arranging some yellow and orange chrysanthemums in a vase and softly singing a gentle, sweetly pleading air. Looking up, she stops singing and smiles. "I hope I didn't disturb your wee one," she says.


ofsandandstone September 18 2010, 05:16:28 UTC
Lystra does venture into the main room, once she's settled. She smiles shyly when spoken to.

"He's still sleeping," she says. "You have a very nice voice."


chromaggia_diva September 18 2010, 05:23:51 UTC
"Thank you, it's one of the first arias I learned when I started training my voice," she says, looking down modestly. "I'm Magdelen DeFoe, but please just call me Mag."


ofsandandstone September 19 2010, 06:03:59 UTC
"I am Queen Lystra," Lystra replies.


sophie_darling September 18 2010, 20:25:13 UTC
Perhaps in her wandering, Lystra might come across a little girl of nine years, loitering in the corridor.

Sophie is bored, really bored. And she brightens up with she sees the lady with the baby.



ofsandandstone September 19 2010, 06:08:21 UTC
Lystra smiles. "Hello," she replies, quietly.


sophie_darling September 20 2010, 04:07:55 UTC
Sophie grins wide and waves a the baby. "What's your name? I'm Sophie!"

She has no sense of protocol whatsoever. You can blame her not!parents for that.


ofsandandstone September 20 2010, 11:40:45 UTC
Lystra doesn't mind at all. She thinks it's cute.

"I am Queen Lystra, of the Endless Sea."


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