[Crackplot] Boom tomorrow. Always a boom tomorrow.

Jan 10, 2010 23:41

Morgoth has been observing. More to the point, he's been paying shrewd attention. The witches - by which he means the Edain and the Elda who have fought him before - are distracted. He has noticed the Merlin's increased reluctance to use magic. All this became very convenient... when he saw that suddenly there was a breach in the fabric of this strange world, and more new people arrived, almost simultaneously.

This is a good moment, he decides, to throw what ill will he has at the Mansion folk. This is a good moment,  he thinks, to shake the stable lives of those who keep the hours. He knows it will not last very long - the effects will be reversed sooner, rather than later, by those who hate him, whom he hates.

Therefore, Morgoth sings a song of destruction - but its effects, alas, will go awry. For the next 24 hours, things will be exploding randomly throughout the Mansion, for no particular reason.

Name: Melkor, aka Morgoth, aka The Enemy
Fandom: J.R.R. Tolkien's Silmarillion
Media: Novel
Other relevant info: Actually not as much an introduction, as Morgoth is also a transfuge from DF. However, as he never tagged into the migration post, I'll consider this a re-introduction. This is to note that Morgoth isn't actually available for interaction - he's going to be a crackplot person from a distance for now. When I figure out what amount of flanderization I want to inflict on him, he'll have a post for er, interacting, however uncivil he may be. >.>

About the crackplot itself, as I explained to those in chat:
Mostly, Morgoth manages to make the fabric of reality unstable. It's temporary (so anything destroyed will re-assemble automatically within 24 hours), but during that 24 hours, well... just about anything that is big-human size or smaller can asplode when touched by a figment, causing effects that can be harmful or not, up to the typist. Therefore, epic!dramaz! or epic!lolz! can be had, depending on what you're going for, YMMV, all that. And as this is a random effect, those who wish to ignore it might well assume they were lucky. >.>

zz:(dropped)armand st. just (musical), guinevere, natalie goodman, !re-introduction, zz:(dropped)faraday, zz:(dropped)maeglin, aredhel, zz:(dropped)fingon, robb stark, zz:(dropped)clayton danvers, !crackplot, zhane, morgoth, anita blake, zz:(dropped)wilhelmina, zz:(dropped)sheila franklin, scheherazade, zz:(dropped)celegorm, zz:(dropped)mildmay, phèdre nò delaunay, angélique hubert, zz:(dropped)nick ryves, belize, zz:(dropped)daeron, sophie rackham, zz:(dropped)george berger, caranthir

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