[Introduction: Jack Benjamin] Escape from the living death

Sep 08, 2013 18:58

[Spoiler (click to open)]He'd done it. Jack had asked his own father to kill him, to order his execution. Thomasina had said, "Your father wants for you a living death, to brick you into a wall with someone who loves you - who you can't stand the sight of... until you produce an heir, which Silas will take, and raise right this timeRead more... )

jimmy wild bill sandman slim stark, non, neville longbottom, leonard "bones" mccoy, zz:(dropped)ann bransby-smith, zz:(dropped)blind mag, michelle benjamin, temeraire, zillah katz, bobby ray, jonathan "jack" benjamin, daniel heerkins, johnny rockfort, !introduction, saetan sadiablo

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sandman_slim September 8 2013, 23:02:09 UTC
Stark just wanted to piss in peace, not come on some scene out of every tv drama ever.


At least he didn't just slam the door and leave it for someone else to find; maybe he was feeling more charitable today, or maybe the whole 'Brienne thing' was mellowing him out.

"Come on, asshole. That's no way to get out of here..." The Nephilim kneels in the water by the bath, reaching out to check the wounds and for a pulse and is glad when he finds one. He's got no qualms dragging a naked guy out of the bathtub and grabbing towels and the like to staunch the bleeding.

"You die on me, I'm going to kick your ass when you come back," he growls, tying off one wound tightly.


drleonardhmccoy September 9 2013, 00:52:46 UTC
joining in by invite...

McCoy is walking down the hallway, he's been searching closets and abandoned rooms for any sort of medical implements that he can collect, when he hears the words, 'die on me...' He tightens his grip on his makeshift medical bag and runs the last few steps into the room. "--Jesus." He runs in and drops to his knees on the wet floor, glancing over at Stark before taking a look a the wounds. "I'm a doctor. Any idea how long he's been like this?"


sandman_slim September 9 2013, 05:00:05 UTC
McCoy is lucky Stark's got his hands full of unconscious naked man or he might have gotten clocked for startling him.

"I don't know. Found him like this just now. Probably a new guy, never seen him before."


true_n_the_dark September 9 2013, 17:13:56 UTC
Well, the good news is, he's got a pulse (if probably fainter than is healthy), and though he's bleeding profusely, he's definitely salvageable.

The bad news is, the only reason he's not resisting is that he's passed out.

He'll be coming to eventually, though.


drleonardhmccoy September 9 2013, 21:46:08 UTC
McCoy is glad to feel the pulse when he checks for it as he surveys the ragged wounds on the man's wrists. Not too deep, that's good. No risk of loss of function in his hands, then. "Hell of a way to arrive," he mutters to himself, before adding, "Keep pressure on that arm, here," he says to Stark as he points at a spot on his arm that will help restrict blood flow to the wounds, barely looking up. "Keep it above the level of his heart." To himself he adds, "What I wouldn't give for a dermal regenerator right now," as he digs into his rudimentary medical supplies.


sandman_slim September 9 2013, 22:29:38 UTC
Stark does as he's told, snorting. "People show up all kinds of ways," he says. "This ain't my first bloody mess doc."

He's glad for the help though. Would suck even more for the guy to die and then wake up alone again.


drleonardhmccoy September 10 2013, 00:33:51 UTC
"Good to know," he says as he pulls out the rudimentary suture kit he put together. Silk thread, curved needle, alcohol to sterilize the wound. "You're lucky you're unconscious, he says to the wounded man as he sets to work cleaning the first wrist. He'd like to get the man somewhere a little better suited, not to mention dryer, but he's concerned about how much blood he might've lost and he doesn't have the resources to perform a transfusion. "I don't have any anesthetic."

"Name's McCoy, by the way," he adds to his temporary assistant.


sandman_slim September 10 2013, 01:16:55 UTC
"Stark," the scarred man grunts, shifting a bit to better support the guy's head.

"There's probably an empty room nearby we can take him to, once you're done stitching him up."


drleonardhmccoy September 10 2013, 01:27:47 UTC
"Good," McCoy grunts as he begins to close the cuts with careful stitches. "We'll need to get him dry too, once I'm not worried about him bleeding out." He glances briefly at the arm Stark's holding to be sure the bleeding's under control there before continuing his work.


true_n_the_dark September 10 2013, 01:32:54 UTC
We're sorry to say that this is the moment Jack (ever convenient to his peers) chooses to come to a semblance of consciousness.

".... what the ---" he's staring at the men, trying feebly to move out of their hold, and demanding, "... who are you?"


sandman_slim September 10 2013, 01:34:42 UTC
"The ones you're really going to hate soon," Stark says, moving his grip to keep the kid from struggling and messing up the doctor's work. "Keep wiggling and I'll knock your ass back out."


drleonardhmccoy September 10 2013, 01:47:52 UTC
McCoy immediately pulls the needle away from the wrist he's working on to avoid jabbing him anywhere he doesn't need to and leans a heavy hand on the man's shoulder to help Stark keep him still.

He's almost glad, though. The timing is inconvenient, but consciousness is a good sign.

"I'm your doctor," he says, in his calm, controlled, talking-to-patients trust-me-I'm-a-doctor voice. "You have an multiple incisions to both of your wrists, and I am stitching them closed. I need you to lie very still while I sew you up, alright."

He doesn't comment on Stark's threat. If the guy insists on struggling he might have to let him follow through on it.


true_n_the_dark September 10 2013, 02:38:34 UTC
"I don't want to be sown up," Jack tries to cry up, and okay, that is one ugly mofo holding him down. Maybe he can talk him into killing him or something.

"Knock me out. Hard. Quasimodo."

Yes, he's basically taunting Cthulhu. You've got hell in your hands, folks. Good thing he's not well enough to try and fight his way out.


sandman_slim September 10 2013, 02:42:35 UTC
Stark doesn't hit him, since the kid's about as strong as a sponge right now, but he does move to hold him down a bit harder. "I said, no Sparky. You sit. Let the nice doctor work."


drleonardhmccoy September 10 2013, 02:47:38 UTC
"Tough, kid," McCoy says, glancing over at Stark in thanks for holding the kid still. "I'm a doctor, you're my patient, and you're getting sewn up." He holds his wrist tightly as he goes to put in the last couple stitches on that hand.


true_n_the_dark September 10 2013, 22:59:22 UTC
"I am Prince Jack Benjamin, and I will damn well bleed to death if I want to," Jack screams, or rather, thinks he screams. As it is, he's kind of sputtering.

"Where's my father! Find Silas now!"

Again, that's said with less spirit than intended.


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