[Introduction: Jack Benjamin] Escape from the living death

Sep 08, 2013 18:58

[Spoiler (click to open)]He'd done it. Jack had asked his own father to kill him, to order his execution. Thomasina had said, "Your father wants for you a living death, to brick you into a wall with someone who loves you - who you can't stand the sight of... until you produce an heir, which Silas will take, and raise right this time."

And it was a living death.

Locked up with Lucinda, whose body, whose warmth meant nothing to him. His body responded while his mind debacled. After the first few nights of this, he gave in.

Tried to do what he'd been told.

Close your eyes and think of someone who's dead.

And while he did this with all the lights out, ordered her to shut up, fucked her without spirit, feeling raped, over and over again, on his father's orders.

Every morning when they delivered breakfast, he ordered them to find his father. He did it at lunch. At dinner. He did it every time they took Lucinda away for a pregnancy test.

The broad, he thought, had better not be fucking barren. That'd be the ticket.

You are not who He wants, Samuels had said. He will never talk to you.

[And then this bit is triggery (mention of suicide)]So that day, Jack decided he would find an audience with God himself, or with the Devil, who might well be more amenable. Alone for once, he found a razor, locked himself up, and slit his wrists while the bathtub filled with warm water, more soothing than a mother's embrace.

He closed his eyes.

Let himself go, thinking, God, I would really like a word.

Whoever is going next into one of the bathrooms in the hall is going to find it opened, despite the fact that Jack locked himself in: it's not the same door.

Inside, they'll find him nude, passed out but alive, in the bath, where his own blood has tainted the water as red as all the complexities of his pain.

Name: Jack Benjamin
Fandom: NBC's Kings
Media: Television
Typist: Wil
Other relevant info: Taken from the end of the series. Please read his profile before you decide if you want to interact with him or not, because Jack is VERY difficult. So, a few important things:
a) though he shares his PB with Mordred, they are only vaguely alike to everyone. Please no doppelganger RP.
b) he is unpleasant, okay? HE is unpleasant. Not me. Knowing this, please be ready to accept that IC and OOC are very different things.
c) he is v. broken, it will take him a long while before he can be fixed, if ever.
d) I leave it up to spymuses to determine if and when he should know that his sister, the lovely lifeinhallways is here, so please consult with her before you bring up Michelle to Jack (if all else fails, just send me someone who doesn't know Michelle, while you wait for her feedback.)
e) I'm going to assume for following interactions that he's been healed, stitched (regardless of how, he's getting scars), and that he's mostly in one piece.

Thank you so much for your understanding! I love you all and you are awesome. <3

The first commenter acts as a welcoming committee. All following interactions are deemed later in the day, when the character is settled. Please leave first tag to a health worker of some time, because he needs urgent medical attention.

jimmy wild bill sandman slim stark, non, neville longbottom, leonard "bones" mccoy, zz:(dropped)ann bransby-smith, zz:(dropped)blind mag, michelle benjamin, temeraire, zillah katz, bobby ray, jonathan "jack" benjamin, daniel heerkins, johnny rockfort, !introduction, saetan sadiablo

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