(introduction) you monolith not scarred by fallout

Feb 28, 2013 19:44

Jason steps out through his bedroom doorway into the corridor, and as soon as he feels sunlight on his face, he knows he's not in the Circus anymore. The Mansion hallway is much brighter than the Circus of the Damned's windowless, underground passages, and he has to put a furred hand up to shield his eyes while they adjust to the light. He can't smell Anita, Richard, Nathaniel, or the wererats, and he doesn't have to turn around to know that the room that's behind him now isn't his bedroom.

He tenses, though it's only just visible; he still appears mostly calm. He has no idea what just happened. He's never heard of anyone, even the more powerful vampires, being able to teleport somebody like this. And if there's somebody around who's powerful enough to grab people right out of Jean-Claude's headquarters, it does not bode well. It also does not bode well that he's the one who's been grabbed. If someone's planning to use him as bait to lure out Jean-Claude or Anita, or to force them into some kind of retaliation, they probably won't kill him right away, but that doesn't mean they won't do anything unpleasant.

If someone happens to head down that particular corridor, they'll probably spot Jason. He's pretty hard to miss, since he's not in human form. Right now he's very tall and looks like some kind of cross between a man and a grey wolf. He's still standing on two legs, but his feet look more like elongated paws, and he's covered in fur. He has claws, and a muzzle, complete with scary-looking teeth and blood around his mouth. The blood is his own, though that might not necessarily be obvious. He's also naked and very obviously male.

He may look dangerous, but we promise he's not going to eat you.

Name: Jason Schuyler
Fandom: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter
Media: Books
Typist: momentsplinter
Other relevant info: Have a Jason :D He'll be in wolfman form in the first thread only; I'm going to assume later threads are set after he's shifted back into human form. He's also mildly injured, but that'll only be in the first thread, too, because his injuries will heal completely when he shifts. Right now he thinks somebody must have somehow abducted him to screw with his boss and/or Anita, though he'll figure out pretty quickly that that isn't the case.

Also, he can talk in wolfman form, so there'll be no need for any awkward pantomiming ^^

The first commenter acts as a welcoming committee. All following interactions are deemed later in the day, when the character is settled.

zz:(dropped)phoenix wright, john reese, morgana, carol peletier, stiles, pandora (rice), zz:(dropped)yukio washimine, johnny rockfort, !introduction, jason schuyler, catherine morland, anita blake

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