[Introduction: Zachry] Bronze be burnin'...

Mar 02, 2013 18:28

[Spoiling the whole section of the novel]The bolt had entered the flesh just as they where entering Palalo track, and it'd been a wonder that Zachry hadn't fallen off the horse, another wonder yet that he'd caught on to Somni' auguring, and another again that the Kona had all fallen to their deaths in the river bed.

Exhausted, he'd fallen asleep under Meronym's guidance, secure in that he was safe with the handful of Prescients still living.

Zachry, the last valleysman.

Zachry, the last civ'lize o' Big I, the last civ'lize of whole Ha-Why.

The very young man has nothing to lose. Catkin, Sussy, his mother, the lovely dark-skinned girl he danced and mated with in Honokaa, all dead. All gone.

He's sleeping now, his youthful body more innocent in slumber than it would be in wakefulness. It is the sleep of the dead, the sleep of those who are too injured to remain conscious.

It is not restful, nor is it fretful.

The bandage oozes with blood, for the wound is deep.

Still dressed in rags, wound bleeding, young and angelic despite the madness he's survived, Zachry sleeps. He's resting now on a couch, in the Mansion's common room. He'll flabbergasted to see where he ended up.

Name: Zachry Bailey
Fandom: Cloud Atlas
Media: Book, strictly. I may however use movie screenshots if I ever need to age him up.
Typist: Wil
Other relevant info: He's taken from the end of Sloosha's Crossin'n Everythin'After, from the trip to Maui. Narration will be in standard English, but Zachry will continue to yibber like a Valleyman. He sounds exactly like this - in short, he should be understandable. If you take the time to read my tags aloud, I promise they'll make sense.

Please assume he's not in need of medical assistance after the first thread (or sleeping!) He'll be wandering about the Mansion, curiously spying/sneaking his way around.

The first commenter acts as a welcoming committee. All following interactions are deemed later in the day, when the character is settled.

echo (alchemaster's apprentice), zachry o'bailey's dwellin', daniel heerkins, fuchsia groan, parsifal, !introduction, tony foster

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