[Crack Plot] Attack of the Vampire Melons 2: Return of the Fruit!!!

Aug 01, 2012 23:22

This year, Klingsor is sure that he won't have the same fiasco on his hands that he did last summer. He placed wards around the melon patch as well as the bounds of his garden, reinforcing them with an extra bit of his will every few days. He's sure he's covered, that the garden will be protected and the powers in this place won't tamper with his crop...

A sticky night after a day of rain, the air alive with crickets chirping and frogs glunking: leftover clouds drifting across the sky. The moon rises over the treetops, slowly, turning the grounds to faeryland in silver and blue light.

But there's more in faeryland than nice things...

Sure enough, as the silver light reaches the melon patch, the fruit stirs on the vines, breaking off and rolling out of the garden, breaking through the wards and swarming across the lawn toward the house emitting a growling noise as they approach.

Some of the invaders bound up onto the porch, banging against the walls of the house, some are content to rove over the lawn. But some of them find the wooden door behind a screen door to the kitchen is open. They swarm against the door, pushing and bouncing against the screen until it tears free and they bound into the kitchen...

The snarly fruit is baaack and more aggressive than ever! Pups might see the things bowling about the lawn or banging about the porch, or if they venture into the kitchen, they'll find there's company in there. Or they might encounter a furious warlock racing about, trying to hack at the damn things...

hatter, grell sutcliffe, kazutaka muraki, emmeline fox, zz:(dropped)aramat drawdes, klingsor, zz:(dropped)cosmo, ryuk, zz:(dropped)the warden, !crackplot, zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki

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