[Crackplot] When the world ends...

Dec 16, 2012 17:39

It has taken time for this to happen, for the Dark Lord to gather it all, his influence of that which is not Arda but close enough to it, that which he hates about all else for the light of it remains a beacon ( Read more... )

zz:(dropped)finrod, natalie goodman, !re-introduction, falkor the luckdragon, celebrimbor, merlin, maledisant, titus groan, zz:(dropped)gunji, zz:(dropped)misa amane, lystra, zz:(dropped)greenback jane, jack harkness, benjen stark, ambarussa, zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki, anita blake, river tam, jimmy wild bill sandman slim stark, neville longbottom, marlene, zz:(dropped)koenma daioh, john reese, zz:(dropped)cal stephanides, zz:(dropped)mordred, tj gurney, zz:(dropped)blind mag, galadriel, feanor, elurèd of doriath, zz:(dropped)the warden, asato (lamento), zhane, gingalain, mal reynolds, icarus, geneviève émery, temeraire, inès serrano, paul (the historian), angélique hubert, zz:(dropped)genkai, gawain, zz:(dropped)eda (black lagoon), sophie rackham, zz:(dropped)utena tenjou, arthur (inception), caranthir, lukas ford, guinevere, manuel lorimer, will treaty, hatter, delilah rose johnson, kazutaka muraki, zz:(dropped)harumi chono, steerpike, !crackplot, morgoth, warren peace, lou mc cloud, denzel crocker, helen curtis (m2), jacquel, dominic cobb, justin finch-fletchley, bridget, elurìn of doriath, pandora (rice), zz:(dropped)yukio washimine, melou, katniss everdeen, daniel heerkins, pascal rougon, zz:(dropped)mia fey, catherine morland, tristan, cyrano de bergerac, tom yarbro, zz:(dropped)ann bransby-smith, billy thunder, aredhel, bobby ray, remy lebeau, sugar castaway, iphigenia, tony foster, catelyn tully-stark, niko leandros, zz:(dropped)phoenix wright, jim gordon, phèdre nò delaunay, robin goodfellow, l lawliet (riyuzaki), zz:(dropped)aramat drawdes, belize, johnny rockfort, asato tsuzuki

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Comments 1034

ninja_niko December 16 2012, 22:57:25 UTC
He never sleeps very profoundly, Niko - old habits, they do die hard.

So when the house starts to crumble, and he wakes to find Jaenelle's side of the bed utterly cold, he's up in a jiffy and calling out for her.

He'll be in the corridor, careful not to get himself hurt, looking for his girlfriend - because if Witch herself is unaccounted for... then what hope can we muster?

Specifically looking to have a Saetan, please!


blackjewelmale December 17 2012, 02:53:50 UTC
Saetan has just barely escape the ceiling collapsing in the library, when he enters the hallway: he's sensed a sudden emptiness, the threads linking his family together being severed, and he's come to find the cause. He's a bit worse for the wear himself, he's covered in plaster dust and his shirt and waistcoat have been torn half off his shoulders as he pulled himself free of the debris.


ninja_niko December 17 2012, 05:57:14 UTC
When he finds Saetan, Niko is immediately relieved - here's one who will know.

"My lord," he says, ".... Jaenelle..."


I don't know where she is.


blackjewelmale December 19 2012, 05:59:09 UTC
His face is completely solemn as he replies. "She has gone: I cannot sense her in this place, as if she's gone back to the Realms." He sounds saddened, yet resigned to this fact. There is nothing he could do to detain her, if he had tried: the power of the Mansion is too great.


cantplaygod December 16 2012, 22:57:33 UTC
Reese is not a member of ye Shadow Angels, and yet, he's assigned himself a patrol of the house and the grounds, twice daily, to keep himself from going stir-crazy.

He was on the third floor staircase heading for the ground floor when he feels the first tremor hit, and so he turns to quicken his pace and find a doorway to duck into. Standard earthquake protocol.

The stairs roll beneath his feet, knocking him off solid ground as everything starts to crumple around him. Remembering his training during his stint in Afghanistan, where rockslides in the mountains were a hazard to prepare for, he tries to right himself and descend feet first, in a bid to surf the debris. But the wreckage is packing in around him, making it impossible to tell which end is up...

When he finally hits the ground floor, he's buried in pieces of the roof, splinters of wood and chunks of plaster, the top of his head and one arm sticking from the pile, unmoving...

Warning: He's not gonna make it, but he could use some morale support on the way...


pandora_antioch December 16 2012, 23:08:16 UTC
And as it often happens when the Enemy strikes, Pandora's Thirst is stronger than usual, she feels more beastly, more prone to giving in. She was taking a flight when it happened, and she flew back in like a madwoman, looking for her beloved.

Instead, she finds this one, buried.

And what is still human in her tells her to stop, to look.

What isn't tells her to feed, and so she struggles.

Thought it might be interested? Also, I posted Nik as you posted Reese...


cantplaygod December 18 2012, 08:17:53 UTC
The hand moves, trying to push away some of the debris from in front of his face, but his movements are weak and disoriented. He manages to waggle his head free, gasping. "Ugh, feels like the whole house fell on me," he mutters. "Can't feel my legs..."

He might not realize that he has company...

Oooh! Perfect!!


pandora_antioch December 19 2012, 18:25:19 UTC
"The staircase fell upon you," Pandora croons, kneeling.

For now, the two parts of her are in agreement, and so she can handle this. "I am Pandora - let me..."

And though she might be inhumanly strong, she proceeds to remove the rubble patiently and slowly, so as not to dismember him accidentally.


phedre_25 December 16 2012, 23:19:00 UTC
Phedre was on the way to join Sandor in bed when it all happened - and it was so sudden that she had no time to avoid the bookcase as it tumbled over her, none more than to cover her head. But as the rubble tumbles over her, she is lost in a world of delightful pain and shaking with need, and want, and desire, and utterly at one's mercy.

She cries out, but it's hard to tell how much she is suffering, given her nature.

In the meantime, she has no idea what fate befalls her beloved Sandor, her beloved Oberyn, and when she regains consciousness, she will be broken in more than in her body.


silvereyedphage December 17 2012, 06:25:56 UTC
Muraki was taking a bath, having a nice long soak, when he felt the room start to vibrate: He's used to earthquakes, and at first it's a case of "Hmmm, earthquake..."

Then the bottles of shampoo and conditioner and bath yummies start to bang to the floor, and he realizes, this is the real deal. He bolts from the tub, grabbing his bathrobe and yanking it on before shoving his feet, still damp, into his boots and he darts for the hallway, grabbing a book from a table in the front room and holding it on top of his head.

He'll come upon Phedre as he's picking his way through the rubble. Seeing her, he'll toss the book aside and start clearing away some of the rubble surrounding her. "Phedre... my lady, can you hear me?" he asks, part professional concern, partly the concern of a lover."


phedre_25 December 17 2012, 23:46:24 UTC
Phedre isn't exactly conscious - nor is she completely gone. Over the noise of the rubble, she can feel some manner of caring presence, and while she cannot move - pain, delicious, ecstatic suffering coursing through her - she tries to open her eyes.

She fails, though - it's barely a flutter.

"What came of me?" she murmurs.

She may not be entirely there.


silvereyedphage December 18 2012, 04:00:05 UTC
"There was an earthquake: the rubble buried you," he says, moving aside some broken bits of wood. "Do you feel any pain anywhere?"


johnny_rockfort December 16 2012, 23:30:03 UTC
Well, this seriously sucks.

They were just closing up when it happened - the basement was a mess, as it usually is after a gig, beer all over the floor, and everything is sticky. Johnny was moping up some vomit when the walls started to shake, and he just had enough time to crawl under a table.

Nina wasn't so lucky, though - she was finishing up with washing up the glasses, and the shelves fell all over her before she had time to respond.

Broken glass, everywhere, and blood.

It didn't take Johnny much time to crawl in her direction.

"C''mon, girl, stay with me," he says, and he's afraid to touch her, because she's so... she looks so hurt, and her eyes are closing. "C'mon...."

With Lou's permission, Nina gets to die onscreen and not come back, as she is dropped - feel free to come and help out.


thatcherly December 16 2012, 23:56:29 UTC
Marlene was actually heading downstairs--for whatever reason, we're not sure--when it all seems to come crashing down, quite literally.

She screams for a moment, and then sees Johnny with a young woman, lying there.

"Good God, what's happening?" she says, perhaps a bit too loudly, but then again, the quake is making things loud too.

She's hesitant to try to help him, because she thinks of him as rude, but then again...there's a woman dying there.

Marlene takes a step forward.


johnny_rockfort December 17 2012, 23:17:39 UTC
Well, here's a reaction you probably don't expect.

Johnny hops back, hands held up.

"I didn't hurt her! I swear! She was my friend!"


thatcherly December 17 2012, 23:20:08 UTC
She looks surprised by his insistence at first, then she sighs.

"I didn't think that," she says, perhaps more gently than usual for Marlene. "But I think we also need to get out of here--fast."


ohmaiden December 16 2012, 23:34:45 UTC
Iphigenia is in bed when it all happens, and when she feels the ground shake, she screams for a moment, before tumbling out of bed in an effort to escape.

She trips on something--a ceiling board, perhaps--and falls down, crying out in pain as her ankle is twisted.

She's scared she won't be able to get out as more of the ceiling starts to fall around her. Iphigenia cries out again, hoping someone will hear her.

[ooc: so Iphi is hurt and trapped, and hoping that someone finds her.]


tomboy_22 December 16 2012, 23:46:16 UTC
Anita was burning the midnight oil again, and during the greater part of the quake, she hid under a desk. If it hadn't been for that, though, preternatural abilities or not, she would have been hurt.

As it is, though, she is more on edge than she's ever been, can feel the disturbance in the Force or whatever this is (way to go, thinking in Star Wars terms, woman), and she's worried.

She's on her way to Jaenelle's room when she hears the screaming, and goes to it, because that's the way she is.


ohmaiden December 16 2012, 23:50:29 UTC
She hears someone coming and says a silent prayer of thanks to the gods, or whoever may be out there.

"Is anyone out there?" she cries out, a bit weakly. Her ankle really hurts. "Help me!"


tomboy_22 December 17 2012, 23:15:07 UTC
It's like everything is crumbling at the same time - and Anita knows, she knows, there's little time.

She'll hop in, assess - and though she is tiny, she is strong, so there goes the desk, swung over Iphigenia to protect her.

She slips in as the ceiling collapses - lycanthrope speed be blessed.


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