I got into a philosophical discussion yesterday with a coworker over web pages (yes, they can be deep discussions I have) and we were discussing the Blink and Marquee tags.
His comment was that anyone who uses either should be shot. I countered that there are times and places where they can be used effectively. I'll grant I couldn't think of any outside of building a web page that was supposed to resemble a detective film noir office but I'll think of something. (fyi: IE has ignored blink tags since 4.something... sometimes Microsoft does listen to users).
But all this philosophy reminds me of my freshman philosophy course. The teacher had a standing offer that anyone who could prove there was a god after all would ace the course, no exams or anything else.
My roommate was taking the same course (different time) with the same teacher and we got into some interesting discussions. Which led me to open the dictionary late one night and prove there is a god after all....
Open your dictionaries to the word
all. There, on the left hand side, where the word list is. Immediately after all you will find alla breve and immediately after that you will find
Allah which says, and I quote:Arabic word for God: the name of God in Islam
My prof didn't find it amusing but we did.
Night all