Mar 16, 2002 10:53
Every day we greet anew
And are offered choices.
Some days,
Like the endgame of a chess match,
Our choices are proscribed,
We are forced to do things,
Based on choices
Made in our yesterdays.
Other days we face a choice
And know it irrevocable
And ponder long which way
To send forward our life
Knowing we will look back
Was that choice best?
Sometimes we do not choose.
We freeze
Unwilling to choose
If we fail to choose
The choice may still be made
We have no responsibility for that choice
But we have given up control as well
And must face those consequences.
Every day we greet anew
And are offered choices.
Some choices we may not like
And how we react to them
Defines who we are.
We can rail and complain
Wasting our energy.
We can probe the choices
Looking for different ones
Trying to see beyond
The obvious to the potential.
We can make a rash choice
Without consideration
Slamming shut future options.
Or we can ponder
Making our choices in
A balanced way.
Every day we greet anew
And are offered choices.
original work,
creative writing,