May 23, 2002 08:56
I can normally survive on 3-4 hours of sleep. But I've been running on about 2 per night this last week and last night was even less. So this will be an interesting entry.Oh, we're drawing up a plan for world domination. The key element? Coffee makers that think.
Riley, Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4.22 - Restless
Sure, coffee makers don't think but I can name a company or two that is seriously looking to web enable your toaster and that's the slippery slope.
Right now I'm a bit jittery. I'm running on Iced Tea for energy and I'm looking forward to crashing tonight. Tomorrow night I get to move my web server into the apartment and I can start on my weblog/diary system in earnest. After all, that's what this three day weekend is slated for. Technical reviews and article writing.
I'm one author short on the book I'm trying to coordinate. I've got one but he is pretty busy and we're having a communication gap through email.
I need to get back to work, though thinking (which is what I get paid to do) is difficult with thoughts slogging through my brain as though I were wading through a chest high morass of oatmeal.
Peace, gentle readers