Mar 05, 2005 01:31
alissa has pointed out that people are not posting much lately. that's true. so i thought...i'm procrastinating--i'll post.
now...what to post about?
so, this one time, on tv, i saw this ad which turned out to be for geico, as like 40-50% of all ads are, but it started out pretending to be an ad for a new reslity show. the idea of this show is that a newlywed couple is expected to live in a house where everything is just a little too small. it is supposed to stress them out so much that it affects their relationship negatively. now, i hate the idea of reality shows, especially ones where the point is to watch other people become increasingly miserable. and unlike many people who hate the idea of reality shows, i also do not enjoy watching them. but this idea seemed sort of interesting, if only because it is kind of different from most reality shows that i am currently aware of. i was kind of sad in a not-actually-that-sad kind of way when it turned out to be a geico ad.
well, there is a division of labour in our apartment right now which involves stephanie's washing dishes and my writing my paper, so i have to hold up my end of the bargain.