Hey Dumbledore!

Jul 17, 2007 18:33

I'm a slight bit nervous about the exam I have to take tomorrow for certification in the school media subject area...

In the meantime, I've promised myself to get my school work done before this weekend because I want to have plenty of time to read the last Harry Potter book.

I know the Internetz will be full of ebil spoilers starting late Friday night so I just need to avoid it for a few days. :) So that's my plan - read as much of the book over the weekend (I think I could finish it if I'm obsessive enough - I think I read the last one in about six or seven hours) and stay away from the Internet so I can avoid being spoiled.

Sometimes I actually rather like reading spoilers ahead of time, but I think just for this book I'd rather go through all the emotions the first time I read it. I admit, sometimes spoilers are a nice way to prepare yourself for the trauma of some certain events, but yeah... when you feel like you've waited for years to know how something will end you want to have the time to judge it all on your own. Nonetheless, you don't know how hard it has been to avoid that LJ Deathly Hallows spoilers community! I always want to know... but I must not!

Let's be honest here - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will probably be a good read, but even if it's the best written book in the world there will be something that each one of us hates. Maybe she'll kill off someone we love or maybe our idea of Pottermania romance won't work out... Or maybe we just won't ever find out what happened with such-and-such thing/person. I hope that the book does tie together all that we've learned so far and that we aren't left with huge questions and gaps (because, after all, that would make it a not so well written story if the gaps are that wide). Ah, and some characters are so cool that you hope that their ending is spectacular. I'd be disappointed with less. ;)

harrypotter, personal

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