It was already on the 21st July but I am going to celebrate properly with my Melbourne darlings, red_day_dawning, enname, reynardo (and her lovely beau/s), The Beau and our flatmate.
A few months ago Lucius Complex and I had a chat where we started joking about poor Tom Hiddleston's hair and weight ordeal. Then she went and wrote me an incredibly funny, hilarious crack fic for my birthday in which Tom Hiddleston is too nice as we already know and doesn't get a shirtless scene, which is clearly a tragedy!
To be honest, my real life birthday was not perfect-but logging on here and finding your love made it a perfect birthday!
Thank you so much for the LJ gifts, the lovely adorable fic (about which I shall write more in a separate post because you all have to go and read it!), thank you for the messages!
The wonderful kohrin wrote me a lovely, hot, tender Snarry, which is also a Snack. A rare combination of pairings indeed, but she makes it work so well!
the lovely sillypowers wrote me a ficlet nature lovers with exactly the snape i love! and neville and charlie weasley! and ... *drumroll* DEVIL'S SNARE!