I stumbled over a Hiddleworth yesterday that takes place in Nazi Germany in a concentration camp, with Tom Hiddleston as Jewish doctor and Chris Hemsworth as guard. Since I am someone who writes fics about bestiality, werewolf sex, slavery, omega-verse, underage sex, cruising, non-con/rape, and so on without batting an eye, I shouldn't be concerned about it, and yet I found it discomforting. I find that interesting-is it okay to explore the Holocaust and real tragedies in general in fanfic or not? Does it depend on who writes it? If the writer were, say Jewish and it would be their attempt to deal with this past would it be okay? People defend their right to write about chan and necrophilia, should people be allowed to write slash about The Third Reich? Or is it a matter of how it's done? If the writer were, say, a good writer and it would be tastefully done, would it be acceptable? I'm really, really curious about your opinions here.
What say thou, flist?