Title: Moats and Boats and Waterfalls
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt/Puck (Burt/Carole, Finn/Will, Artie/Brittany)
Rating: NC17
home isWord count: ~14,700
Summary: Their second Christmas together is almost exactly like their first, except for the part where everything's different.
A/N: So for the past week or so, rather than doing what I've said I was doing, mostly, I have been secretly working on this fic. It was meant to be a Christmas gift for my girl
jengeorge, who is exceptionally generous with her time, even though she would tell you that her motivations are less than altruistic (and hey, who isn't motivated by porn?)
So to thank her for everything she's done for me all year -- including beta services, yes, but so, so much more than that -- I wrote some more Secret Service AU. It falls just short of Big Bang length, which is going to bug me, and I had to leave some stuff out in order to get it posted before the new year, so maybe I'll fill in some missing scenes later, but for now I hope you enjoy it, Jen. I (hope I) say it all the time, but thanks. You rock. And obviously you're irreplaceable, so your gift fic isn't betaed. Sorry! It's proofread, at least.
There are tiny glimpses of the other pairings in here as well, but mostly it's just Kurt and Puck, living happily ever after, 'cause that's how I roll. And that's what Christmas fic should be! The link below takes you to part one of two (link to part two at the end of part one) or you can read the entire thing on AO3
Moats and Boats and Waterfalls )
I have another busy day ahead of me, which is Not On, but I hope to catch up on comments and reading sometime this evening. How did my four day weekend go by so fast? Unfair, Universe! I wasn't even supposed to be doing anything this Christmas!