Good Lord, Shania Twain. You cannot wear capris and a blazer. You just can't. We won't even talk about the heels.
Tonight on Deadliest Catch: Aw, man, are they trading the Jakes back already? I was hoping for at least a full King Crab season before they go back. Damn it, this show is always Jossing all my fic. Stop living your lives off script, Real People!
I mean, I guess it's good if Jake Harris got to spend part of his dad's last year fishing with him instead of being aboard another boat the whole time, but still. It is not helpful for my RPS plans, is what I'm saying.
Oh, wait, are they calling the season already? That's crazy talk! I find this show so confusing. OH. Each episode is a week of the season. Well, no, because they said they'd already been fishing 21 days and this is only week three. (This is what happens when I watch out of sequence. I get confused. Oh, fine, I'm always confused.)
Okay, so they are trading them back mid-season. And they are going to just toss them into the water and hope for the best? That's fucked up, yo.
I finally caught Jake and Josh's stupid faces on the first episode. (There need to be many, many icons. Alas, I have no time.) It's adorkable how excited Josh was to have Jake A. around, and how sad Jake A. was to be leaving his 'family'. Man, that kid's had it rough in the family department. Good thing he's got all those sisters, I guess. I'm sort of glad Jake's not on board the Northwestern to see Sig and Edgar fighting and Edgar threatening to quit all over the place. Nobody likes to watch their parents fight.
I'm also glad he's having such a good time with the relatively young crew on the Cornelia Marie. It's pretty goddamn adorable. And he's got Freddie, who is cooler than every other deckhand on the Bering Sea put together, frankly.
I do not understand those Hillstrand brothers. So they would prefer their 'good friend' Russell be unemployed rather than working for someone else? I hope they're kidding, but after five seasons of their shenans, I just really don't think so. I just...WTF? How do you wish unemployment on a guy? Sure, he's annoying, but if the Kodiak wanted to hire him, why do they care? I understand being pissed at Keith; he's kind of shady, and he can't keep crew because he's such a fucking drama queen. But this Russell business makes no sense to me at ALL. Maybe I missed something. Did I miss something?
Whatever. There needs to be an entire DVD of outtakes featuring Jake A. and Josh H. grinning at each other. Jake and Josh grinning on deck. Jake and Josh grinning in the galley. Jake and Josh grinning in their bunks, all sleepy after way too little rest, but still enjoying their stolen moments together. Jake and Josh grinning at each other as they discuss the fact that the skipper of the Kodiak should maybe take his lame ass back to the swordfishing industry. IJS.
Oh, Phil. I am going to miss you and your hideous pirate tattoo, though clearly not as much as your sons will. Josh is a total liar, though. He does not miss his brother when his boyfriend's on board. Who would?
Jesus H., Jake Harris is such a girl. Edgar's a complete dick, but Jake's pretty much a girl. Oh, but he's making his brother's specialty: French toast. I kind of hate French toast, ngl. Pancakes are worth the extra effort.
BlahblahWizardcakes. I do not care to hear Keith yelling at his brother, so I hope they will spare us this season. But I have never been that lucky, so I have a feeling I will not be tonight. Good lord. I wish one of them would just kill the other or something and get it over with. And way to be classy blaming your baiting tactics on everybody else, Mouse. What a couple of tools those guys are.
Do you know what I love about this episode? Phil calling Jake A. 'Jacob' like he does his own Jake. It's like he's a member of the family! God, I love this show. My heart is breaking and still, I love it.
Yeesh, Josh is calling him 'Jacob' too. And there's hugging, which I was spoiled for, but that does not make it any less rewarding. I'm so sad they're switching back already. It was nice seeing Jake A. having some fun for once. He just looks so broken over there all the time. It's hard to watch.
God, this season seems so short. I think it's because they started airing the show so early this year. Maybe that'll make it less painful in the long run? Yeah, probably not.
My work day completely sucked today! They ran me pretty ragged (and I got zero sympathy from anyone) so I only had time for one request ficlet. Tomorrow will be better. I will hide if I have to.